完善信息 暂无报价降价提醒 当前规格: SMETER OFI-20A 光纤测试仪 800~1700nm 商品介绍完善信息 待完善 0 商品报错
KIF20A-66 peptide was well tolerable in the dose of either 1.0mg or 3.0mg/body, and effectively induced peptide-specific response of cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL). Further clinical study using this peptide is a promising app...
An AN/AQS-20A sensor suite is developed, which is capable of accurately measuring the environmental data types, to enable efficient seafloor mine hunting. A highly successful Through-the-Sen...
Self-administrationRATIONALE: We have previously found that rats that were kept at all times in the self-administration (SA) chambers (resident group) self-administered more heroin than rats ...
primary health carehealth behaviourmaledietsmokingphysical fitnessProvides information on coronary heart disease (CHD). Scale of CHD as a health issue in Great Britain; Anatomy and physiology of the h...