Auditing stands in monitoring aspect of every organization and it has extended application from top to bottom of governing level in each country. For every system to be active and going on, feedback and...
The paper's aim is to introduce an approach to implement Accountability in Marketing Communications (Marcoms). The measurement platform is based on the MCA methodology, which stands for Market Contact Audit. MCA is category and market s...
As it stands, there has been a buzz about town that there will be some changes with regard to the stamp duty. As usual, nowadays, the talk is all about abolishment, waivers and exemptions. The stamp duty is a transacti...
The paper's aim is to introduce an approach to implement Accountability in Marketing Communications (Marcoms). The measurement platform is based on the MCA methodology, which stands for Market Contact Audit. MCA ...
Puerto Rico stands to lose nearly $110 million in Title I aid for disadvantaged children because of mismanagement, according to a federal audit report issued on March 30. The Department of Education's i...
Newsstand sales increased 33.3 percent for the first half of the year, according to Audit Bureau of Circulations. Advertisers have responded with advertising pages up 16.7 percent in the first half, ...