“Offworld Trading Company is a work of genius.” “Buying out an opponent with cold, hard clicks of the mouse—and of course cold, hard cash in hand—can be as satisfying as going nuclear on a rival.” “The core mechanic – the market that acts as a malleable foundation on which ev...
获得资源! 游戏中的这些眼动追踪功能可帮助您轻松,流畅地浏览火星地图。 使用蹦极编辑以快速缩小并更好地概览世界地图,然后变焦回来至目光居中,以更快导航地图,让您有更多时间进行艰苦卓绝的兼并。 目光居中 蹦极变焦 在Steam 商店获取 Offworld Trading Company ...
About the Designer: Known within the Offworld Trading Company community as“Blues”, his quest to become a top-tier player and interest in numbers led him on a search through the code for a better understanding of the game’s mechanics. Inspired by some of the more unique Daily Challenges,...
Offworld Trading Company(外星贸易公司)是一款以殖民为背景打造的模拟经营游戏,你将要控制自己的单位来进行资源的采集和建筑的建造来进行发展,还要对抗外星的生活来存活下来。 外星贸易公司游戏简介 太空探险变成实际,而地球上近在咫尺的资源日渐匮乏,为了更好地寻找财富,充满希望的大家奔往下一个丰富多彩的阵营:火花。抛...
名称:Offworld Trading Company - Scenario Toolkit DLC 类型:独立,模拟,策略 开发商:Mohawk Games 发行商:Stardock Entertainment 系列:Offworld Trading Company,Stardock 发行日期:2016 年 6 月 20 日 访问网站Facebook Twitch X YouTube 查看统计查看更新记录阅读相关新闻访问创意工坊查找社区组 ...
名称: Offworld Trading Company: The Europa Wager Expansion 类型: 独立, 模拟, 策略 开发商: Mohawk Games 发行商: Stardock Entertainment 系列: Offworld Trading Company, Stardock 发行日期: 2019 年 11 月 21 日 访问网站 Facebook Twitch X YouTube 查看统计 查看更新记录 阅读相关新闻 访问创意工坊 ...
Offworld Trading Company - Scenario Toolkit ¥15.00 Offworld Trading Company - Limited Supply ¥22.00 Offworld Trading Company - Interdimensional ¥22.00 Offworld Trading Company: The Europa Wager ¥50.00 Offworld Trading Company - Conspicuous Consumption ¥15.00 用户也喜欢 全部显示 合战忍者村物语 ...
Offworld Trading Company - Scenario Toolkit ¥15.00 Offworld Trading Company - Interdimensional ¥22.00 Offworld Trading Company - Limited Supply ¥22.00 Offworld Trading Company: The Europa Wager ¥50.00 Offworld Trading Company - Conspicuous Consumption ¥15.00 用户也喜欢 全部显示 合战忍者村物语 ...
There's life on Mars, and you're invited to help it thrive and survive with your Offworld Trading Company Steam PC key. A fast-paced economic real-time...
Offworld Trading Company - Ceres Initiative DLC Offworld Trading Company - Scenario Toolkit DLC Offworld Trading Company - The Patron and the Patriot DLC Offworld Trading Company - OST Offworld Trading Company - Blue Chip Ventures DLC Offworld Trading Company - Jupiter's Forge Купите...