For captive-born animals, generation is calculated as the average generation of the parents plus 1, meaning that it can be a non-integer e.g. (G0 + G1)/2 + 1 = G1.5. We also calculated the age at death of the individual, or current age if still alive. We truncated...
Findings In this prospective birth cohort study, fluoride exposure during pregnancy was associated with lower IQ scores in children aged 3 to 4 years. Meaning Fluoride exposure during pregnancy may be associated with adverse effects on child intellectual development, indicating the possible need to redu...
Findings In this cohort study including 2261 and 1940 infants aged 12 and 18 months, respectively, in utero exposure to COVID-19 vaccination was not associated with abnormal neurodevelopmental scores on the Ages and Stages Questionnaire, third edition, at 12 or 18 months of life. Meaning Results...
This hostile environment can cause intrauterine stress, meaning that fetuses may already be exposed to elevated steroid levels even before receiving ACS treatment8. Thus, sufficient effect of ACS treatment on neonatal outcomes cannot be obtained in pregnancies complicated by HDP, contrary to our ...
(a sobriquet meaning monkey-puzzle tree). It is, of course, appropriate that the monastic order who brought the veneration of the black madonna to the New World, the Capuchins, should also be the name of a species of monkey. Hanuman himself, the monkey scribe, is also an important ...
1). As a point of comparison, the difference between unmarried men and women has a D value of 0.96 (CI: 0.71–1.07), meaning that the lowest amount of parent-offspring disagreement is greater than the disagreement between men and women in this community, although it should be noted that ...
The genetic connection has meaning and significance in our psyches that is difficult to articulate, but its importance is illustrated by the need of potential parents to spend thousands of dollars to conceive children with their own gametes and subsequently their tendency to cover up the lack of ...
To see if there was any difference between these short and relatively longer-lived sperm, Immler’s team split zebrafish ejaculate into two parts. One part was mixed with both eggs and water. With the other part, the eggs were added 25 seconds after the water, meaning that only the lo...
(ability to make and sustain a call) the emission of USVs by females only during puberty, whereas CIH qualitatively impaired (USV call characteristics) the emission of USVs by adult males. It should be noted that the meaning of the different USVs is still relatively unknown. In this study...
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) evolves from an interplay between genetic and environmental factors during prenatal development. Since identifying maternal biomarkers associated with ASD risk in offspring during early pregnancy might result in new strateg