PLATFORM_NAD83.SHP - Locations of Oil and Gas Platforms in the Gulf of Mexico Since 1982 the, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has collected a large amount of surficial and shallow subsurface geologic information in the deep parts of th... Please credit the Minerals Management Service as the...
In the construction period, offshore developments include the installation of platforms, turbines, cables, substations, grids, interconnection and shipping, dredging, and the associated building works. The operation and maintenance activities include the transport of employees by special vessels and ...
Offshore oil platformsFuzzy risk assessmentGISSystem developmentAn integrated marine water quality assessment system, MWQ-FES, is developed.MWQ-FES is applied to examine water quality of the northern Liaodong Bay of China.Nutrients are found as main factors affecting water quality in the study ...
The study examines different rates of future oil and gas development. The onshore industrial infrastructure addressed by this study includes facilities to process, store, and transport crude oil, natural gas, liquefied petroleum, and other by-products.Hargis, D....
美 英 un.海上石油开采业 英汉 un. 1. 海上石油开采业
et al. Rethink plans for the world’s ageing oil and gas platforms. Nature 627, 37 (2024). Article Google Scholar Ditton, R. B., Osburn, H. R., Baker, T. L. & Thailing, C. E. Demographics, attitudes, and reef management preferences of sport divers in offshore Texas waters. ...
Knowing the number of pixels in an object can be helpful for masking irrelevant objects of different sizes. An area-size-range filter algorithm (20 < number of pixels < 200) was used to eliminate large and very small objects such as islands, oil platforms and small noise objects....
Multi-use maritime platforms - North Sea oil and offshore wind: Opportunity and risk The analysis performed here shows how the combined use of statistical analyses and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) might achieve this task in the context of oil & gas and offshore wind in the North Sea...
such as offshore platforms, will need to be decommissioned, according to the UK's Oil & Gas Economic Report 2013 [2]. Twenty-seven offshore oil and gas platforms in southern California will be decommissioned by 2030 as the platforms reach the end of their useful production lifetimes [27]....
Supplying power from shore to run the oil platforms, instead of using local generation, considerably lowers CO2 emissions.