Offshore platform and rig disasters make many people think of massive explosions and oil slicks. In reality, the most lethal element in offshore life often comes from harsh weather conditions and the daily threat of an unforgiving ocean. In many of the worst disasters, these elements claimed ...
Seasickness in totally enclosed motor-propelled survival craft: five offshore oil rig disasters : Landolt, J P, Light, I M, Greenen, M G and Monaco, CAviat Space Environ Med Vol 63 No 2 (1992) pp 138–144 (23 refs)doi:10.1016/0003-6870(93)90127-U...
Seasickness in totally-enclosed motor-propelled survival craft: five offshore oil rig disasters Five mobile offshore drilling unit disasters--Alexander L. Kielland, Ocean Ranger, Vinland, Ocean Odyssey, and Rowan Gorilla I--were studied to assess the ... JP Landolt,IM Light,MG Greenen,... ...
While major offshore disasters like Piper Alpha and Deepwater Horizon typically dominate the headlines, offshore helicopter crashes are a serious issue for the oil and gas industry. Though incidents may be on a smaller scale, the death toll continues to rise and the frequency of crashes has led...
An oil well is a hole dug or drilled into the Earth to bring up or capture oil, natural gas, and other petroleum products. An offshore oil well or offshore rig is an oil well that is drilled beneath the seabed. They can dig between 24 m (80 ft) and 3,700 km (12,000 ft) in...
Considering the dire consequences of drilling disasters, rigorous, independent oversight should be a minimum prerequisite of doing business. Looking back, while BP was required to formulate a plan for precisely how it would handle an oil spill, the amount of effort involved appeared to...
whether the facility needs to support a drilling rig or whether a leased Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit (MODU) will be used. Further discussion on concept selection is included in Chapter 7. 1.1.4 Offshore Disasters Although most of the offshore structures constructed to date have withstood the...
more aggressive energy posture. The administration also recently vowed to rewrite or eliminate many restrictions on offshore oil and gas drilling which had been instituted after a far worse oil spill: the notorious Deepwater Horizon offshore oil rig explosion, fire and spill which occurred in 2010...
The proposal comes less than a week after the Trump administration proposed to rewrite or kill rules on offshore oil and gas drilling imposed after the deadly Deepwater Horizon rig explosion and massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The Deepwater Horizon incident claimed the lives of 11 wo...
Article Energy Offshore Energy Disasters: Drilling Down into True Root Causes to Prevent Repeat Incidents When analyzing a major loss event, experts need to look beyond the initial causal factors to identify the true root causes of a loss related to overall... Brochure Energy Energy Whether fossi...