If I haven’t stressed that point strongly enough, I’ll happily do it again: If you’re planning to go to the Bahamas, get and study the Explorer Charts before you go and use them while you navigate! www.explorercharts.com. Phillip was at the helm while I was religiously trying to...
• Offline (Offshore) Maps: Easily save and view the whole set of data charts for access offline for your custom region Join the BigBlue community today to unlock a world of unparalleled fishing adventures and extraordinary success. Save time, conserve fuel, and catch more fish. Download Big...
Their medium term projections are shown above, but also look like they are based on overall decline rates rather than bottom up field studies, so are a bit low near term, but then too high overall. Note also, just to make things more difficult, they include NGPLs in their numbers, as ...
In these charts, Si, Mg, Ca, Fe, Mn, and the trace elements Ni, Cr and V are some of the main elements lost during the alterations in the subcontinental peridotites along the OCT of the Alpine Tethys. In Figure 8, some elements can be seen as loss and gain, depending on the pairs...