tax refund 退税 refund order 退款单 refund of duty 退税 refund to seeds 偿还种子费 charges refund 运费退款 procedure for refund 退费手续 rate refund 偿还(超过税率的)税款 相似单词 refund n. 1.归还,偿还额,退款 v.[T] 1.归还,退还,退(款),偿付 OFFSET 补偿;抵消 offset n.[C]...
Offset of Tax Refund Payments To Collect State Income Tax ObligationsRichard L. Gregg
If you are an Ohioan taxpayer and owe certain debt, you may receive a letter stating your state tax refund is subject to offset.
Tax season is never pleasant, but there's often a reward at the end in the form of a nice tax refund. Unfortunately, creditors can swallow up that refund through offsets, which take money from your tax refund in much the same way that garnishment can hit
past-due tax debt, the federal income tax refund may be taken to pay down the state debt. This process is referred to as offset. The IRS sends any remaining federal refund amount to the taxpayer. FMS mails a notification to the taxpayer explaining why the federal ...
If no deletion has occurred due to the case no longer being eligible for State Tax Offset 90 days after the initial submission, the tax refund is then eligible for offset. HOW SOON WILL I RECEIVE THE OTHER PARTY’S STATE TAX REFUND? The Office of Child Support (Columbus, OH) receives...
Offset of Tax Refund Payments To Collect Past-Due Support AGENCY: Financial Management Service, Fiscal Service, Treasury. ACTION: Final rule. SUMMARY: The ... amending its regulations governing the offset of federal tax refund payments to collect past-due child support obligations. We are removing...
tax refund of HK$12 million. 新增開支主要來自貿易應收賬項減值撥備淨額 37,000,000 港元, 以及增添人手及調整薪酬導致員工成本增加了 35,000,000 港元所致,不過獲退回之 12,000,000 港元之中國大陸營業稅款有助抵銷 了開 支的 增長。 This was offset by the completion of re...
TROstands for Tax Refund Offset Suggest new definition This definition appears somewhat frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Military and Government See otherdefinitions of TRO Other Resources: We have 54 othermeanings of TROin our Acronym Attic ...
What Is a Tax Refund Offset? If your tax refund is offset, the federal government has seized a portion of your refund to put towards a state or federal debt you owe. Unpaid child support is an example.2 The Bottom Line If the initial investment was a purchase, a sale in the same amo...