LISA GREENE-LEWIS: Yes. So if you've had some huge gains and you have a losing stock and it's just not going to go up, you could sell that losing stock and offset your losses against your gains. And then you can also carry forward those gains and offset your ordinary...
The revenue and expensesoffset each other10and correspond to the depreciation of the “immovable” property, as stipulated in IPSAS 23 (revenuefromnon-exchange transactions). 收入和费用10 相互抵消,相当于“大楼”的折旧,这符合《国际公共部门会计准则第23号》(非交...
The tax losses of one company in a business group could then be offset against the taxable profits of another. 商業集團內某 ㆒公司的稅項虧損,可由另㆒公司的應課稅 盈利 抵消。 The losses of one subsidiary may be offset against the income of another or prof...
Capital losses (short-term or long-term) cannot be set off against any other head of income such as salary, rent or interest. Long-term capital lossescan be set off only against long-term capital gains. But short-term capital losses can be set off against short-term or long-term capital...
Viking Line is not providing any outlook, above all, in view of the geopolitical situation, so it is still too soon to quantify the impact on operating income for 2022, which is the same conclusion at the time the previous earnings report was published. ...
processes (e.g., fires, land property rights, local ordinances) on land use dynamics that are difficult to capture using a multi-country, multi-commodity model. Fig. 1: Spatial footprint of zero-deforestation supply chain policy scenarios....
When Societe Generale discovered in January 2008 that derivatives trader Jerome Kerviel had secretly run up EUR4.9bn of losses, panicked managers assembled a task force to assess the wreckage and steer the French bank through the near-fatal crisis. Among them was Slawomir Krupa, then a 33-year...
Carbon Offset Creditsmeans andrefer totradeable units, denominated in tonnes of CO2, or otherGreen House Gas, or theCO2 equivalentusing theglobal warming potentialof other Green House Gases, the tradability of which may be permitted voluntarily in a given market or legislatively by alevel of gov...
16、rement tools (all the carbon pools) reluctance to allow sequestration to trade off against emission reduction property rights are new transaction costs income distributionbull35solutions to the challenges risk build risk models create carbon pools buy insurance measurement use the best available sci...
In particular, lossesfromparticipationscanonlybe offsetagainst taxable income from participations (i.e., income that is not obtained tax-free). 参股损失只能从应税参股收益(即非免税收益)中抵销。 The BIPV system will incur minimal maintenance ...