#include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> int main() { time_t rawtime = time(NULL); struct tm *ptm = gmtime(&rawtime); time_t gmt = mktime(ptm); ptm = localtime(&rawtime); time_t offset = rawtime - gmt + (ptm->tm_isdst ? 3600 : 0); printf("%i\n", (int)offset); }...
Usually, it's stored in a file called /etc/localtime. That file is often a link to a file elsewhere that contains (in compressed form) all the "rules" for converting GMT to the local time, including when daylight saving time begins and ends, the offset from GMT, and so forth. Share...
+00:00 or Etc/GMT is Greenwich time All time zones are offset from +00:00 / "Etc/GMT" / Greenwich time Daylight Savings Time is always an earlier time than the "regular" time in the summer. You set your clocks back in the fall season. ("Fall Back" slogan to...
SimpleTimeZone::getOffsetFromLocal(UDate date, UTimeZoneLocalOption nonExistingTimeOpt, UTimeZoneLocalOption duplicatedTimeOpt, int32_t& rawOffsetGMT, int32_t& savingsDST, UErrorCode& status) const { if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; } 24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions 24 icu4c/sou...
the milliseconds in day in <em>standard</em> local time. Returns Int32 the offset in milliseconds to add to GMT to get local time. Attributes RegisterAttribute Remarks Gets the time zone offset, for current date, modified in case of daylight savings. This is the offset to add to UTC to...
static SqlDateTime ToLocalTime(SqlDateTime UtcTime, SqlString TimeZoneId) { if (UtcTime.IsNull) return UtcTime; var timeZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(TimeZoneId.Value); var localTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(UtcTime.Value, timeZone); return new Sq...
GMTOffsetDigits { [Android.Runtime.Register("getGMTOffsetDigits", "()Ljava/lang/String;", "GetGetGMTOffsetDigitsHandler", ApiSince=24)] get; } 属性值 String 属性 RegisterAttribute 注解 本页的某些部分是根据 Android 开放源代码项目创建和共享的工作进行的修...
FromSerializedString()反序列化一个字符串值,以重新创建先前已序列化的 TimeZoneInfo 对象。 GetSystemTimeZones()返回 TimeZoneInfo 对象的可枚举的 ReadOnlyCollection<(Of <(T>)>),它表示本地系统上可用的所有时区。 Local 属性:实例化表示本地时区的 TimeZoneInfo 对象。
localTimeZone.StandardName, localTimeZone.GetUtcOffset(now));ServerTime= now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);ServerUtcTime= utcNow.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);CurrentTime= TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(utcNow, timeZone).ToString...
Any other time zone. DateTimeKind.Unspecified Determines whether dateTime is ambiguous in the specified time zone. The order ofTimeSpanobjects in the array returned by this method is undefined. However, you can determine which element represents an offset from the time zone's standard time by...