Dio1 (Official Gene Symbol)doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-1533-6_100431Selenium and Iodothyronine DeiodinasesRobert H. KretsingerVladimir N. UverskyEugene A. PermyakovSpringer New YorkEncyclopedia of Metalloproteins
This paper presents a newly developed database known as RGST (Rat Gene Symbol Tracker). The database contains rat gene symbols from three major sources: the Rat Genome Database (RGD), Ensembl, and NCBI-Gene. All rat symbols are compared with official symbols from orthologous human genes as...
Convert Gene Aliases to Official Gene SymbolsGordon SmythYifang Hu
Neutrophil Expressed (ELANE as the official gene symbol)doi:10.1007/978-3-662-46875-3_101635
To extract the official gene symbol.S.Ramachandran
For each rat gene this procedure results in an unambiguous gene designation. The designation is presented as a status level that accompanies every rat gene symbol suggested in the database. The status level describes both how a rat symbol was selected, and its validity./p pConclusion/p pThis...