This article presents information on Republic of Cuba. It covers an area of 110,860 square kilometers, about the size of Pennsylvania. Cuba is a multiracial society with a population of mainly Spanish and African origins. The largest organized religion is the Roman Catholic Church, but ...
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To post messages to these Forums, you must first register as a member. Registration from any national of Burma, Cuba, North Korea, Syria, Sudan, Venezuela, and Iran or any country prohibited by law or export restrictions or otherwise, regardless of legal residency, will not be...
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Interfaith Forum on Religion, Art and Architecture Affiliate of the American Instute Architects, 1987 Special award from the Institute of Structural Engineers of the United Kingdom 1987 The Paul Waterbury Outdoor Lighting Design Award Special Citation illuminating Engineering Society of North America 1988...
Formally set up in 1980 to grant refuge to those fleeing persecution based on their race, religion, politics or other factors, the U.S. asylum program has comeunder severe strainover the past decade as unprecedented numbers of migrants seek protection along the southern border. ...
The Commission, under advice from Lansky and Genovese, had supported the proposed unification of Cuba and Venezuela, as a means of consolidating their holdings in both nations. Reportedly, new plans were drawn up to take advantage of the new connection. The international fallout, however, would ...
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