Ark is destined to be a glorious Game of Thrones / SoIaF experience. The synsergies are inane and you already have most of the stuff you need! Anyway, we as a community have been provided with most ressources that are required to make a Westeros map happen ourselves. Granted, we wou...
The new teaser isn’t much at all (only about 30 seconds of action) and doesn’t contain any actual footage from the show but rather a 3-dimensional map of Westeros. It starts with a dragon (the motto of House Targaryen) and a wolf (the symbol of House Stark) that get frozen over...
“I never could imagine that the fantasy world of Westeros would actually exist.” “Helena has established contact with a fishing village on the bay where the Iron Isles are located,” reports Ahab in their meeting. “The locals are interested in us studying their history and that of the S...