Choose Language: Format:Electronic (pdf/doc) Approved:Gosstandart of the USSR, 12/29/1976 SKU:RUSS16509 Price:$84.00 English keywords:cast iron and steel pipes;cast iron pipes;steel tubes; National keywords:стальныетрубы;чугунныеистальныетрубы;чу...
Choose Language: Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)Approved: USSR State Committee for Standards, 3/10/1976SKU: RUSS15772 Price: $44.00 English keywords: classification; dangerous goods protection; harmful substances; safety; National keywords: вредныевещества; защитаотоп...
Language English, Espanol Similar Surveys: Value Village Listens TellHCO Feedback4OldNavy FAQs 1. Why must I participate in the TJMaxx Survey? You must participate in the TJMaxx Departmental stores’ online survey because it helps them improve their customers’ future shopping experiences at the sto...
The split-brain patient can easily tell what the left hemisphere has seen because the language production zone (Broca's area) is located in the left hemisphere. However when information is provided for the right hemisphere then the split-brain patient is unable to tell what he has seen, the...
Choose Language: Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)Approved: Gosstandart of the USSR, 12/8/1981SKU: RUSS20452 Price: $414.00 English keywords: administration; dictionaries; management and quality; organization of firms; quality management and quality assurance; services; sociology; transport; ...
Choose Language: Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)Approved: USSR State Committee for Standards, 11/25/1978SKU: RUSS18082 Price: $335.00 English keywords: surface coating; surface treatment; surface treatment and coating; National keywords: обработкаипокрытиеповерхнос...
Choose Language: Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)Approved: USSR State Committee for Standards, 12/18/1985SKU: RUSS17765 Price: $117.00 English keywords: ambient atmosphere; atmosphere; automatic gas analyzers; environmental protection; gas analyzers for scientific research; general technical requirements; ...