A comprehensive resource pack from the IELTS partners to help teachers who are preparing students to take the IELTS test. Written by the IELTS partners including Cambridge ESOL examiners and material writers with many years of experience preparing IELTS tests, this pack shows how each of the tests...
Look into the Official IELTS Practice Materials Volume 1 & 2 (Ebook & CD) and upgrade your skills which can be useful for IELTS test.
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所属专辑:Official IELTS 声音简介 需要Official IELTS Practice Material 1听力音频的同学请加微信IELTSCOOL2,免费领取。 关注公众号【答库雅思】【带路喵】,有更多雅思学习资料和高分经验技巧分享,还能私人定制学习计划,助力雅思冲9分! 雅思官方模考题 包含A类+G类,属于国外雅思原版教材。
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对于已经把剑桥雅思做烂的同学,这本书是个很好的选择~毕竟也是官方的真题集嘛~下载链接如下哦:http://bbs.zhan.com/thread-26098-1-1.html Introduction These Practice Materials are intended to give IELTS candidates an idea of what the test is like. They also give candidates the opportunity to test...
Publication Date: October 8, 2012 | Series: Official IELTS Practice Materials A comprehensive teacher resource pack to help teachers who are preparing students to take the IELTS test. Written by Cambridge ESOL examiners and material writers with many years of experience preparing IELTS tests, this ...