Berkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksMichael A Helfand
Hobby Lobby ThanksGiving Day Sale WhiteCloud Vendor Talk 1 Nov 04, 2004 06:29 PM Hobby Lobby 7/4 sales but no helis aau007 Vendor Talk 4 Jul 03, 2004 04:09 PM Big Hobby Lobby "Day After Thanksgiving" Sale Red Baron 47 Electric Plane Talk 80 Nov 25, 2001 10:55 PMCopyright...
In case anyone has forgotten, the family behind Hobby Lobby has also beenbehind a number of court cases and legal effortsto promote “religious freedom.” I put that term in quotes because it’s a very politically charged term. In America, when most people talk about religious freedom, they...
Other late Mann family members InThe Days Have Worn Away, Zepheniah Mann and the Administrator walk through the Mann Manor graveyard. The names of several other Mann family members can be found on the gravestones in the background: Algernon Mann Ezekiel Mann (presumably a different Ezekiel from...
As the Supreme Court’s October Term 2013 fades into memory, and thebickeringoverHobby Lobbysubsides, let’s look ahead to October Term 2014 — and beyond. We know now the identities ofallthe OT 2014 SCOTUS clerks, as well as a growing number of the clerks for October Ter...