Learn about the culture, requirements and expectations of Officer Candidate School (OCS) in the U.S. Military.
Marine Corps Officer Candidate School at Maritime Corps Base Quantico VA is featured.Among other things,the school's mission is to train,evaluate,and screen officer candidates for commission as company-grade officers in the fleet's ...
OFFICER CANDIDATE COURSE OCC is a 10-week commissioning program in Quantico, VA for college seniors and graduates interested in earning the title as a United States Marine Officer. Upon completion, newly commissioned Marine Officers will begin active duty at The Basic School (TBS) as Second Lieu...
OFFICER CANDIDATES SCHOOL Before you can lead as a Marine Officer, you must first fight to become one. At Marine Corps Officer Candidates School (OCS), mind, body, and character are put to the test to evaluate your capabilities as both a fighter and an officer. No candidate at OCS will ...
U.S. Marine Corps candidates from Delta Company carry out the Physical Fitness Test (PFT) at the Officer Candiate School (OCS) aboard Marine Corps Base Quantico, Va., Nov. 30, 2009. 4. Run slower at the beginning of your run and work into a faster pace. Always finish a run strong ...
U.S. Marine Corps candidates from Delta Company carry out the Physical Fitness Test at the Officer Candidate School aboard Marine Corps Base Quantico, Va., Nov. 30, 2009 There is less running at OCS than there used to be. You’ll have 3-5 mile squad and individual runs. Other than run...
OFFICER CANDIDATE COURSE OCC is a 10-week commissioning program in Quantico, VA for college seniors and graduates interested in earning the title as a United States Marine Officer. Upon completion, newly commissioned Marine Officers will begin active duty at The Basic School (TBS) as Second Lieute...
OFFICER CANDIDATE COURSE OCC is a 10-week commissioning program in Quantico, VA for college seniors and graduates interested in earning the title as a United States Marine Officer. Upon completion, newly commissioned Marine Officers will begin active duty at The Basic School (TBS) as Second Lieu...
OFFICER CANDIDATE COURSE OCC is a 10-week commissioning program in Quantico, VA for college seniors and graduates interested in earning the title as a United States Marine Officer. Upon completion, newly commissioned Marine Officers will begin active duty at The Basic School (TBS) as Second Lieute...