1. 插入VBA程序 在Office 365中开启Excel按下AltF11键即可进入VBA编辑器。 2. 使用VBA程序 在VBA编辑器中可以通过插入模块的方式编写VBA代码。例如在模块中输入以下代码可在Excel工作表中的A列自动填充数字1到10 SubFillNumbers()DimiAsIntegerFori=1To10Cells(i,1).Value=iNextiEndSub 在Excel中打开VBA编辑器...
Everytime excel migrates, I experience problems. Right now, under MS Office 365, Win11, 64 bit, I cannot get a new function to work, very simple check case: Public Function test2(n) test2 = n End Function Settings: VBA tools/references used: In the worksheet under file/options/trust ce...
Have made numerous spreadsheets with technical calculations on older versions of Excel; Everytime excel migrates, I experience problems. Right now, under MS Office 365, Win11, 64 bit, I cannot get ... Do you have a module also named Test2 in the workbook in the Visual Basic editor? Th...
但实际上还有大量的函数未支持如ToCol、ToRow、Take、Drop等等。 相对来说,VBA的数组,在各大编程语言里,简直是弱爆了,如果能够借助OFFICE365新出的这些函数,在VBA里数据处理环节用一下,也会省心不少。 Application.WorksheetFunction不支持,那是不是就完全没戏了呢,还有一条路,不过测试下来也不是太理想。 这些小...
Hello. Using VBA for Excel (Office365), how can I print an Excel worksheet to PDF, while scaling to fit all columns to a single page wide? In my VBA script, I have already set: `FitToPagesWide = 1`. Here is more information. ...
Office 365 VBA Excel version 2208 from one day to the next "Automation error: The object invoked has disconnected from its clients" error Without getting into the details of the code I have a VBA Excel program that shows a Userform at the user at some point in the code. This VBA Excel...
'需要引用 Microsoft CDO for Windows 2000 Library '如下代码来自网页Use CDO to send email from VBScript or VBA through Office 365 Public Sub sendMail() Dim objMessage, objConfig, Fields Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message") Set objConfig = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration") ...
您可能会发现类似的线程很有用,请参见Excel VBA Automation Error: The object invoked has disconnected...
Microsoft 365 Appsを展開する前に、ビジネスクリティカルなVisual Basic for Applications (VBA) マクロ、Microsoft 以外のアドイン、複雑なドキュメントやスプレッドシートをテストして、Microsoft 365 Appsとの互換性を評価する必要があります。 詳細については、「 アプリケーションの互換性を...