这场大秀非常多元,很难被一个风格归纳,这也是拉夫劳伦想要展现的职场「大女主」穿搭的外在和内在。 高智感Office Siren 本季拉夫劳伦的灵感来自于Ralph Lauren的工作室,这也是让我最感兴趣的,至于私心,便是想从这个系列中找到适合职场办公室的造型灵感。 <<< 滑动查看 我觉得很多时候大家讨厌办公室、吐槽工作,真正...
这场大秀非常多元,很难被一个风格归纳,这也是拉夫劳伦想要展现的职场「大女主」穿搭的外在和内在。 高智感Office Siren 本季拉夫劳伦的灵感来自于Ralph Lauren的工作室,这也是让我最感兴趣的,至于私心,便是想从这个系列中找到适合职场办公室的造型灵感。 <<< 滑动查看 我觉得很多时候大家讨厌办公室、吐槽工作,真正...
而在这场大秀中,由Sofia Tilbury亲自操刀设计的“Office Siren(办公室海妖)”妆容更是火速出圈。大胆张扬的大红唇,是对新时代女性能在这个充满诱惑与压力的世界里,勇敢地追求内心的真实欲望,不受传统束缚,展现自我活出真实的美好期盼。 Sofia Tilbury,这个名字对于关注时尚美妆的人士来说或许并不陌生。无论是献唱巴...
2. Subtle Plunge:Channel office siren style in this flatteringV-neck sweater— $22! 3. Boss Babe:Thesewide-leg trouserswill make you feel as good as you look — $28! 4. On the Fringe:No one will be able to tell you snagged thisstylish sweaterfor less than what you pay for lunch e...
2. Subtle Plunge:Channel office siren style in this flatteringV-neck sweater— $22! 3. Boss Babe:Thesewide-leg trouserswill make you feel as good as you look — $28! 4. On the Fringe:No one will be able to tell you snagged thisstylish sweaterfor less than what you pay for lunch ...
Office Siren,今天是你的麻辣白领上司TEN - ootd: 𝖩𝖺𝖼𝗄𝖾𝗍&𝖡𝖺𝗀: 𝖬𝖺𝗂𝗌𝗈𝗇 𝖬𝖺𝗋𝗀𝗂𝖾𝗅𝖺𝖲𝗄𝗂𝗋𝗍: 𝖣𝗈𝖭𝗈𝗍𝖣𝗂𝗌𝗍𝗎𝗋𝖻 𝖲𝗎𝗇𝗀𝗅𝖺𝗌𝗌𝖾
隨著氣溫的下降,長外套是最完美的投資。選擇一款「Office Siren」美學的大衣款式,顏色盡量素雅大方。若要提升你的時尚型格指數,可以搭配一頂Balaclava帽和一雙運動鞋。當下最流行的運動鞋莫過於adidas的Samba。 Getty Images #2 恤衫+長褲的 “grandpacore “美學 ...
that mixesstyle and function. Whether you want to channel the “office siren” look or simply need a practical work companion, these bags have got you covered. So get ready to upgrade your work bag game, stride through the city in style, and make a statement as the ultimate office siren...
skip to main content style hailey bieber channels office siren in vintage mugler by ashleigh carter february 9, 2025 raymond hall/ getty images hailey bieber is taking a page out of her friends' and fellow models kendall jenner and bella hadid 's playbook by going full force into the office...
Though office siren looks are usually in the neutral or solid-color territory, this look is made for those with a more eclectic sense of personal style. Combine textures like corduroy and wool with bold color combinations to give corp-core your own spin. With cozy neutrals Claudio Lavenia/...