Office PowerPoint 宏用于在 Wiki 页面中显示 PowerPoint 幻灯片。首先你需要将要显示的幻灯片作为附件上传到 Confluence 页面中。 当用户对页面进行浏览的时候,用户将会看到幻灯片中的内容,而不需要在用户计算机中安装 Office。 代码示例 下面的代码是提供给希望进一步编辑 Confluence 页面的高级用户使用的。
转换PowerPoint, Excel 文件或者 PDF 可以使用的最大线程数量。你可以通过配置这个数量来控制 Confluence 的性能。通过限制 Office 转换器使用的线程数量能够限制 Office 转换不使用过多的系统资源。 单击管理队列(Manage Queues)来查看正在准备转换的附件大小。发布...
Office Word Macro Office PowerPoint Macro View File Macro PDF Macro Create Beautiful and Dynamic Pages How do I ensure excel file with wide columns does not get truncated in Confluence File Previews Writing User Macros How to embed Smartsheets in Confluence using the HTML Macro Macros How to emb...
NOTE:This suggestion is forConfluence Server. UsingConfluence Cloud?See the corresponding suggestion. I often do diagrams in PowerPoint, attach the ppt/pptx to the page, and use the "Office Powerpoint" macro to in-line individual slides into my wiki page. The ability to control the size of ...
重启Confluence使配置生效. 参考的官方文档:
重启Confluence使配置生效. 参考的官方文档:
3. 配置confluence 在confluence的安装路径下的bin目录中找到setenv.sh文件,在文件最后追加"CATALINA_OPTS="-Dconfluence.document.conversion.fontpath=/usr/share/fonts/msttcore ${CATALINA_OPTS}"",其中“/usr/share/fonts/msttcore”为字体存放路径,可以根据实际情况修改。
Draw a line. Configure it to have an arrow on one end to form an arrow. Save it and attach it to a page in Confluence. Show the content using Office Powerpoint macro. The arrow head did not render and showed a line instead.
The Office Connector system app is bundled with Confluence, but aSystem Administratorcan enable or disable parts of the Office Connector and can configure options. Enabling and disabling the Office Connector If you want to limit access to all or part of the Office Connector you can disable the ...
There's something about the energy of a huge trade show that gets your juices going and lets you see some things you've never thought about before. This used to be the domain of COMDEX, for the computer field, but with its demise, CES has become the confluence of the electronic univers...