National trends in the outpatient treatment of children and adolescents with antipsychotic drugs. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2006;63(6):679-68516754841ArticlePubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 12. Comer JS, Mojtabai R, Olfson M. National trends in the antipsychotic treatment of psychiatric outpatients with ...
There are, admittedly, four main limitations to the current study. First, we performed randomization procedures on an individual-level rather than applying methods of cluster randomization based on organizations as units of randomization. Hence, we cannot rule out the risk of contamination between stud...
Enhancing global period reimbursement would likely have triggered such adjustments; for example, CMS could have been compelled to implement more modest payment increases for outpatient E/M visits or further decrease the work relative value unit (wRVU) conversion factor ($/wRVU) for all s...
Medical: East China Hospital (Minhang Outpatient Department), Shanghai Tongkang Hospital and so on. 医疗方面:有华东医院(闵行门诊部)、上海同康医院等。 At present, Meilong new center planning has been officially approved, some projects are in full swing construction. 目前,梅陇新中心规划已正式获批,...
For level 4 established outpatient visits (99214), the percentage involving high diagnostic complexity ranged from 62% for internal medicine, 52% for family medicine/general practice, and 41% for neurology (specialties whose incomes are largely dependent on evaluation and management codes), to 34% ...
There are nine old two-story buildings in Western style (including the original outpatient building, the third ward, the fourth ward, the fifth ward, the sixth ward, the seventh ward, the eighth ward, the ninth ward, the tenth ward) and one building that was originally a church. ...
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Patients from three outpatient clinics in the Netherlands will be invited to participate in the study. Inclusion criteria are body mass index (BMI) ≥25 (kg/m2) and/or smoking. Participants will be randomly allocated to either the intervention group or a usual care control group. In total, ...
newbornoutpatientsoffice practiceThe use of transcutaneous bilirubin (TcB) measurements has been studied extensively in the newborn population, but there have been few studies in outpatient populations and none from the offices of practicing pediatricians.We performed TcB measurements on a mixed-race ...
We believe that ours is the first study to systematically characterize the extent of off-label prescribing in general outpatient care. The magnitude of off-label use varied widely among specific medications and drug classes, exceeding 50% for some anticonvulsants, psychiatric medications, and anti...