Prosecutor, Office of the General Counsel 30+ days ago Hybrid Remote Work Full-Time Employee MA Prosecute cases of professional misconduct, draft legal documents, provide legal advice to agency staff, and manage individual cases to ensure timely resolutions while representing agency interests effectively...
The Office of the Prosecutor met with military officers to supplement a written report provided by the Government of the Sudan at the start of May MultiUn On # eptember # inawi forces accompanying the rebel leader beat up two Military Intelligence officers of the Government of the Sudan at...
(note 1) : Names Being an instructor or professor teaching Commerce, Law, Finance or other expertise required by the Company in public or private universities & colleges As a judge, prosecutor, lawyer, Certified Public Accountant or other professional or engineer in the expertise required by the...
The prosecutor requested the defendant to explain their possession. “Ah!” exclaimed Moreno, twirling his mustaches, “when I was General under my King Don Carlos, in the Seven Years’ War of ’75 and also in Catalonia in ’80, I issued these tickets to wounded soldiers for their return ...