A Study on Meteorological Research by the Office of the Governor-General of Korea%朝鲜总督府观测所的古代测候研究探赜 朝鲜总督府观测所《朝鲜古代观测记录调查报告》和田雄治在考察朝鲜总督府观测所的建立,发展及其主要工作的基础上,通过对该所主要创始人和田雄治以及《朝鲜古代观测记录调查报告》的另一位作者...
Policy Content Governor Know Your Third Party (KYTP) Third Party Risk Management Manage and monitor the risks associated with third parties. Simplified approach with streamlined technology improves internal processes while meeting increased regulatory and audit scrutiny. ...
Such investments are good ... be careful now and understand the zoning of the investment as to what type or kind of tenants that the property can be leased to.By Governor Pete Ricketts; OCT 14, 2020 1) Is that our health and well being or ...
Lung cancer survivor Luann Beeson speaks out about early detection; Governor’s proclamationNovember 17, 2024Judy Clabes Kentucky Commission on Women announces four inductees to Women Remembered ExhibitNovember 17, 2024Judy Clabes New FBI data show no evidence of violent crime wave across the Common...
GNU Group Goldman Sachs Goldman Sachs & Company Google Google Google Google Google Google Google Google Google Gordon Kemper LLP GovanBrown Construction Managers Government of Ontario - MEDTE Governor's Office of Economic Development Gov't of the District of Columbia,Office of Deputy Gray Construction...
Geographic: Geographic Scope: Kentucky Geographic Name: Kentucky; Kentucky Geographic Code: 1U6KY KentuckyAccession Number: 179031789 Full Text: [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED]Kentucky's EconomyKentucky's personal income is estimated to be $134.8 billion for the second quarter of FY 2008, an increase of 5.9...
National - Volute, Weli, Marnia, and Tessera named Honorees in the Interior Design Best of Year Awards Kimball International - Fordsville, KY, manufacturing facility earns SHARPS recertification for workplace safety Kimball International - Fordsville, KY, manufacturing facility receives Governor's Safety...
Through ENERGY STAR, companies like Ashland are provided the tools and resources so that government, businesses and industry can put energy efficiency to work in the marketplace, said Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet Secretary Len Peters. On behalf of Governor Steve Beshear and the ...
Governor orders flags at half-staff today in honor of medical helicopter crew killed in crashOctober 12, 2024Judy Clabes Southbank Partners celebrates relaunch of Riverfront Commons, a 20-mile active destination along the riverOctober 11, 2024Judy Clabes ...