(redirected fromCivil Defense Office) Category filter: AcronymDefinition CDOCagayan de Oro(Philippines) CDOCollaboration Data Objects(Microsoft) CDOCollateralized Debt Obligation CDOChief Digital Officer(various organizations) CDOChief Data Officer(various companies) ...
China's Zhang Jian was elected by acclimation, along with South Korea's Chung Mong Gyu and the Philippines' Mariano Araneta. Zhang's election is widely regarded as one small step toward China someday holding a FIFA World Cup. Experts: Discovering local characteristics helpful for enriching ...
information as required by Lenovo for this transaction, including but not limited to your "ship to" addresswithin the Philippines; and (3) the Product and/or Service is available. Nothing in this paragraph is intended to exclude or limit any rights or remedies you may have under the Civil ...
CMOCubic Mile of Oil(energy unit) CMOChief Merchandising Officer(various companies) CMOConfiguration Management Office CMOCourt-Martial Order(US military) CMOCivil-Military Operations CMOChemult(Amtrak station code; Chemult, OR) CMOContractor Management Outsourcing ...
Preparing the trust deed The settlor and the trustee must prepare a trust deed, which sets out the terms and conditions of the trust. The trust deed must comply with the laws regulating trusts in Singapore, namely, the Trust Companies Act, the Business Trust Act, and the Civil Law Act. ...
CDOControlling DoD (Department of Defense) Office(US DoD) CDOCentral Dispatching Organization CDOCommunications Duty Officer CDOCentral Documentation Office CDOCivil Defense Office CDOCarbon Doped silicon Oxide CDOCentral Disbursing Officer CDOChild Development Officer ...
CDOControlling DoD (Department of Defense) Office(US DoD) CDOCentral Dispatching Organization CDOCommunications Duty Officer CDOCentral Documentation Office CDOCivil Defense Office CDOCarbon Doped silicon Oxide CDOCentral Disbursing Officer CDOChild Development Officer ...
LLOLogical Lines of Operation(US Army) LLOLegislative Liaison Office LLOLegislative Liaison Officer(US Army) LLOLead Laboratory Office LLOLoudoun Lyric Opera(Virginia) LLOLogistics Liaison Office LLOLeverletto(knife) LLOLarge Leverage Operator