Navigating our services CATS-Traffic Program Guardianship How to File a Complaint Child Support Delinquent Tax Collection Casey’s Law Petitions Message from Stacy It is the mission of the Kenton County Attorney’s Office to provide our community with a safe place to live and work. We seek justi...
broad range of experience dealing with guardianship issues from court actions to administration. In addition, Ms. Greenberg assists with the development of life care plans to ensure that guardians of individuals with special needs have the practical information necessary to guide them in making ...
whether closing on real estate or planning your estate. We represent buyers in preparing and reviewing real estate contracts and will attend the closing with you if you wish. We also help you through sensitive and delicate matters such as probate, trust and guardianship issues. This ...
For 25+ years, our Honolulu divorce & criminal defense lawyer has protected his clients & given them hope for the future. Get a FREE consultation today.
DAAKE LAW TESTIMONIALS Valued Feedback "Justin was my daughter's GAL while she was a ward of the state. He helped us get through the guardianship process for her, with minimal effort on our part. His explanations were clear and easy for us to understand what was going on. We really ...
of their child. If the court finds it is in the best interest of the child, he or she will return custody to the natural parent or parents if filed jointly. A guardianship of in an incapacitated adult applies when you have a child with special needs that reaches the age of majority (...
CALIFORNIA STATE BAR CERTIFIED FAMILY LAW SPECIALISTPROTECTALLOF YOUR RIGHTS AND usWe’ve Successfully ResolvedThousandsof Difficult Family Law Cases. Navigating courts and filings are a nightmare and having an expert like Larry to help us make sure we were not taken advantage of ...
Guardianship for Adults, including Adult Children Guardianship Hearings Decision-Making for Adults Testimonials I had a great experience working with Claudia to craft my Will, Power of Attorney and Advanced Directive. She was open-minded and understanding. She guided me in better directions when I ne...
Call (904) 685-1200 - Law Office of David M. Goldman PLLC is dedicated to providing our clients with a range of legal services in Estate Planning and Elder Law cases.
Fearful Immigrants Ask Florida Activist to Sign Guardianship Papers for Their Children Since President Donald Trump took office, immigrants in the U.S. illegally have changed their travel patterns and try to stay home, out of fear they could be deported...