Addison ThompsonThe Office of the State Attorney General and the Protection of Immigrant Communities: Exploring an Expanded Role Addison Thompson... 387
attorney检察长generalskechersofficemasto OFFICEOFTHEATTORNEYGENERALCatherineCortezMasto,AttorneyGeneral555E.WashingtonAvenue,Suite3900LasVegas,Nevada89101Telephone-(702)486-3420Fax-(702)486-3283Web-http://ag.state.nv.usFORIMMEDIATERELEASECONTACT:JenniferLópezDate:May16,2012702-486-3782ATTORNEYGENERALMASTOANNOUNCE...
Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin, the Division of Criminal Justice (DCJ), and the New Jersey State Police (NJSP) today announced that seven defendants were indicted in connection with two separate human trafficking enterprises in North and South Jersey. One human trafficking ring was based in...
Attorney General's Office AGO News Releases AGO Opinions Sunshine Committee Rulemaking Public Records Act Model Rules Only (WAC 44-14) - RCW 42.56.570(2) Lemon Law Rules Only (WAC 44-10) – RCW 19.118 Medicaid Fraud Civil Penalty Rule Only (WAC 44-XX) - RCW 74.66.020(5) ...
必应词典为您提供New-York-State-Attorney-General's-office的释义,网络释义: 纽约州总检察官办公室;纽约州总检察长办公室;纽约州检察长办公室;
AttorneyGeneral: : DIANEE.EISENBERG: DeputyAttorneyGeneral: : THEHONORABLEALANLOWENTHAL,MEMBEROFTHESTATESENATE,hasrequestedanopiniononthefollowingquestions:1.DoesCaliforniaVehicleCodesection22658,oranyotherstatelaw,authorizeprivatepropertyownerstoissueparkingcitationsimposingmonetarysanctionstotheownersofvehiclesparkedon...
Governor of the State of Guerrero influencedtheOfficeoftheState Attorney-General, which depends on the State’s executive branch. 有关消息人士还指出, Guerrero 州州长的讲话影响了州检察长办公室,因为该办公室依附于该州的行政部门。
Office of the State Attorney for the Fourth Judicial Circuit serving Clay, Duval, & Nassau Counties to pursue justice and to enforce the law.
TheAttorney General’sOfficemustact with transparency, impartiality and in a timely manner in every case, regardless of whether a human rights defender is a victim or accused of a crime. 无论人权维 护者是受害人还是犯罪行为的被告,在每一起案件中,总检察...
John Hill for the state of Texas : my years as attorney general Find out more about this title here: During his distinguished career, John L. Hill Jr. served as secretary of state, attorney general, and chief justice of the state supreme court--the only per...