Shaw-Taylor Y (2002) Culturally and linguistically appropriate health care for racial or ethnic minorities: analysis of the US Office of Minority Health's recommended standards. Health Policy 62(2): 211-221.Shaw-Taylor Y. Culturally and linguistically appropriate health care for racial and ethnic ...
From census to census, we observe an increase in the number and proportion of people belonging to ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities. These changes have many implications, for example, in terms of social cohesion, racial and religious discrimination, labour market integration or social ...
The focus of this article is the representation of language and identity in Hispanic immigrant literature. It provides a framework for the analysis of linguistic and cultural constructions of migrant identities in literary texts, on the ... Olsson,Fredrik - 《Call Irish Journal for Culture Arts Li...
Linguistic expressions, gender, and sexuality in sexual minorities' narratives: Using a text mining and thematic analysis 目的 言語表現は個人のセクシュアリティや社会のジェンダー観 を形作る.それと同時に,人々は自らのセクシュアリティに 基づき,社会で形成されたジェンダー観にふさわしい言語...
From Grammar to Politics: Linguistic anthropology in a Western Samoan village (review) In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: 聽html_title聽 聽/html_title聽 Reviewed by Michael L. Forman Alessandro Duranti. 1994. From grammar to politics: Linguistic anthropology in ...