1– Potluck Dishes, Recipes and Ideas For Work, Church or ANY Holiday Bring-A-Dish Party –Best EASY potluck dishes, potluck recipes and potluck ideas for work, office, church or as easy party food for a crowd or food for special events – hot, cold, side dishes, themed food ideas,...
1. Don’t make it a potluck While potlucks can seem enticing because everyone gets introduced to everyone else’s favorite foods, it can be a lot of pressure to place on your team and there is potential for someone’s feelings to get hurt if their dish is unpopular. 2. Poll your te...
In-House Catered Lunch With Employee Fun and Games Ugly Holiday Sweater Day Holiday Card Exchange Paintball Decorate Your Office, Cubicle, Work Area Contest Scavenger Hunt Pirate Party Employee Potluck Lunch Theme: Casino Night Potluck Employee Awards Movie One-Liners Wii Tournament White Elephant Gi...
Lunch together Shared potlucks Cotivation accountability group See All Support Systems Meet Your New Friends Business Owners @ Cohere Ellen O’Neill Graphic Recorder and Illustrator Ellen partners with individuals and businesses in many fields by turning their ideas into informative visuals. She has lo...
4. Plan a holiday potluck Who doesn't love food, especially around the holidays!? Plan a potluck where everyone brings a traditional dish from their holiday celebration. This is surely an event everyone will look forward to, and adds an element of education on how people celebrate around th...
Instructions: Set up a virtual coffee or lunch break where team members can connect and chat about non-work-related topics. This activity is a great way to promote socialization and build relationships among team members. You can even organize a virtual potluck where everyone shares a favorite...
Fall is in full swing and with Thanksgiving right around the corner, it’s time to start planning the annual office potluck. If you’ve never thrown an office potluck before, have no fear! Here are some helpful tips to ensure everyone has a great time. Make Sure Everyone Knows What to...
16. Coordinate a pot luck: You don’t have to do this on special occasions. It’s fun to coordinate potlucks throughout the year. Give your coworkers a theme. Marvelous Mexican Monday. Super salad Wednesday. Finger food Friday. Need more ideas? http://www.signupgenius.com/home/potluck...