Michael hosts a Christmas party at the office, but somehow manages to decrease the holiday cheer when he changes the arranged secret Santa pairs to a game of "Yankee Swap," where everyone gives their pre-bought presents to a different, random worker. To boost morale, Michael introduces vodka...
“It’s not a holiday party. It’s a holiday having a party.”Combine the festivities of the holiday office party with the casual comfort of a game night to create an activity that’s a perfect celebratory but still low fuss. Just decorate or dress up according to a holiday theme and ...
favorite family activities:We love to travel, especially to New York City. We try to get away to NYC at least once a year, usually in the fall. I’ve always liked traveling with my kids so that I can experience things through their eyes. My husband and I aren’t the types to leave...
A Christmas party in Morocco— Phyllis' (Phyllis Smith) Moroccan-themed holiday party goes up in flames when Meredith's (Kate Flannery) hair catches on fire and Michael (Golden Globe winner Steve Carell) is forced to deal with the accident. Meanwhile, Dwight (Rainn Wilson) corners the market...
The song references the struggle of trying to stay alive in the rough streets of New York City. They reference multiple times how surviving each day is a victory in itself. Although we may not all be trying to survive the cities of NYC this song is very relevant to our current situation...
Darryl Philbin is a fictional character from the U.S. television series The Office, played by Craig Robinson. Darryl Philbin (born October 25, 1971), is the foreman of the warehouse of the Scranton branch of fictitious paper distributor Dunder Mifflin. H
Find exclusive portfolios of 53 Lifestyle style illustrators specializing in traditional styles, trends, at home, in the office and at work, in love, in the bar, club, sports, hobbies, past times, situation, way of living illustrations. Please call our p
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There are some good ideas on it ! Joe Dijon 2007年12月15日 Awesome. Congratulations to the Office 2008 team!! Enjoy the holiday season!! I'm looking forward to getting my copy in January. :) Julien Sharp 2007年12月15日 Hello - I just converted to Mac Sept 07 - I got office 2004...