Information Commissioner’s updated response to the Data (Use and Access) (DUA) Bill 11 February 2025 Debunking data protection myths about AI 28 January 2025 ICO response to government on economic growth 24 January 2025 Visit our media centre ...
The Information Commissioner's office regulates privacy and data protection in the U.K. The Information Commissioner’s Office might not be a pop-culture term, but it’s certainly well known to anyone following privacy and data protection. That’s because it’s the U.K.’s data protection a...
The UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has signed onto a new international multilateral agreement with the Global Cooperation Arrangement for Privacy Enforcement (Global CAPE) to cooperate in cross-border data protection and privacy enforcement. As part of the Global CAPE, the ICO ...
Even so,Information Commissioner John Edwardsthen launched an appeal, having reportedly told delegates at the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP): “Having carefully considered that judgment, I believe that the Tribunal has got the law wrong.” And in an interview with MLex, he...
Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Da2 The PCPD is mindful that the steps required of a data user to protect personal data may vary from case to case, and therefore does not seek to provide a "one-size-fits-all" approach for data users in managing data security. Data users...
On 6 December 2022, the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) announced that it would publish details of all future reprimands, including those issued from January 2022 onwards, ‘unless there is a good reason not to’. This is part of the ICO’s new strategic approach to regulatory ...
state have beenbanned from using Office 365 by its data-protection commissionerbecause the standard setup exposes information about students and teachers to US laws, such as the CLOUD Act and the USA Freedom Act, which give US agencies wide-ranging powers to access user data from US tech firms...
You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner's Office (“ICO”) (the UK data protection regulator). For further information on your rights and how to complain to the ICO, please refer to the ICO website. To exercise any of these rights, please contact us...
In general, these rules provide good protection for the independence of the information commissioner although explicit provision for the involvement [...] 一般来说,这些规则给信息专员的独 立提 供了良好的保护,尽管明确规定公民社会参与这一 过程中将会进一步加强这一点。 unesdoc....
The UK Information Commissioner has said that the large amount of personal information that the UK Government plans to collect for the ID card national register is "unwarranted and intrusive."doi:10.1016/S1742-6847(05)70334-7Sarah Hilley