We fixed a recent regression where some users were unable to use DoCmd.TransferText with existing import/export specifications. This update fixes an issue that could cause memory leaks when iterating over DAO recordsets in VBA code in Excel.ExcelWe...
If there is a problem with debugging message about "JDWP Transport dt_socket failed to initialize" Debugger might be stuck running, need to go to cmd line to kill task if it's been left hanging: lsof -i tcp:5005 This will show the PID then can kill that PID using kill -9 PID_JUST...
Products and services: Microsoft Defender for Office 365 Sort by: Newest to oldest Clear selections Sort by Relevance Newest to oldest Oldest to newest Nothing found Sorry, but nothing matched your search terms. Please try again with some different keywords. Get started with Microsoft Security Micro...
Add the user to the td_readonly role by using OSQL, SQLCMD, Enterprise Manager, or the Telemetry Dashboard Administration Tool (Tdadm). See Database used by Office Telemetry Dashboard earlier in this article for more information. Office Telemetry Dashboard can't connect to the database ...
In a CMD.EXE command prompt window, you can type the path and name of the executable to run it. The filename is Microsoft.Connectivity.Test.exe. Launching from Windows Task Scheduler In Windows Task Scheduler, you can add a task to launch the standalone test e...
Extracting dwnloaded office deployment tool Step 8:Open CMD. Go to CMD and click “Run as administrator.” Return to the Office 2021 file and select its address on the top of the screen, then copy and paste it back to CMD. Then insert the commands shown in the picture below, then ...
Typecmdin Windows search. Right-click onCommand Promptand pickRun as administrator. TheUser Account Controlwindow will ask whether you want to allow changes – clickYes. Copy and paste the following commands one by one in Command Prompt and pressEnterafter each: ...
We fixed an issue where where some users were unable to use DoCmd.TransferText with existing import/export specifications We fixed an issue where the Clear cache on close option didn't delete the cache when the database was closed. We fixed an issue that could cause the Class property of ...
After modifying and saving the configuration.xml, we need to run a couple of commands in a CMD (Run as Administrator):3. The first is for downloading the setup files on the local machine.- The syntax looks like this:C:\PATH to setup>setup.exe /download "Path to co...
To apply the image to the hard disk drive, use the imagex.exe tool from the Windows PE bootable UFD. Type the following at the command prompt: F:\imagex.exe /apply C:\myimage.wim 1 C: Next, use BCDboot to initialize the Boot Configuration Data (BCD) store and to copy boot environ...