转到https://protection.office.com。 使用工作或学校帐户登录到 Microsoft 365。 了解全新的 安全和合规性中心 的最快方法是选择“浏览”。教程介绍了导航窗格中的所有选项,以便你可以快速入门。在主页上,你还可以查看由 安全和合规性中心 帮助处理的 Microsoft 365 的各方面的相关高级摘要。 安全与合规中心中的...
Go to the Office 365 Security & Compliance Center Before you can use the Security & Compliance Center, you need the right permissions. For more information, seeGive users access to the Security & Compliance Center. Go tohttps://protection.office.com. Sign in to Microsoft 3...
Become an expert Train to become an expert in Defender for Office 365, whether you’re a beginner or have experience. Get started [1]The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise Email Security, Q2 2023. Jess Burn. June 12, 2023. Follow Microsoft Security...
Become an expert Train to become an expert in Defender for Office 365, whether you’re a beginner or have experience. Get started [1]The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise Email Security, Q2 2023. Jess Burn. June 12, 2023. Follow Microsoft Security...
View documentation Training Become an expert Train to become an expert in Defender for Office 365, whether you’re a beginner or have experience. Get started [1]The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise Email Security, Q2 2023. Jess Burn. June 12, 2023....
在“事件”页https://security.microsoft.com/incidents中:对于“产品名称”值Microsoft Defender for Office 365的事件,单击“事件名称”值选择该事件。 在打开的事件详细信息页中,选择“证据和响应”选项卡, (视图) 。在“所有证据”选项卡和“实体类型”值Email或“电子邮件”选项卡中,单击行中除“检查”框以外...
從Office 365 安全性 & 合規性中心自動重新導向至 Microsoft Defender 入口網站:自動重新導向會開始讓使用者存取 Office 365 Security & Compliance Center 中的安全性解決方案, (protection.office.com) Microsoft Defender入口網站 (security.microsoft.com) 。 這項變更適用於所有安全性工作流程,例如 (...
Microsoft Defender门户中Defender for Office 365权限包括需要分配的最常见任务和函数的默认角色组。 通常,我们建议你只需将单个用户作为成员添加到默认角色组。 Microsoft Defender门户中的角色和角色组 在Defender 门户中https://security.microsoft.com/securitypermissions的“权限”页上,可以使用以下类型的角色和角色组...
This article gives an overview of the requirements and tasks for successfully operating Microsoft Defender for Office 365 in your organization. These tasks help ensure that your security operations center (SOC) provides a high-quality, reliable approach to protect, detect, and respond to email and ...
Keep Microsoft 365 (Office 365) users safe, wherever they work. Discover Proofpoint's next-level Microsoft 365 security and compliance solutions.