New-SendConnector -Name <DescriptiveName> -AddressSpaces * -CloudServicesMailEnabled $true -Fqdn <CertificateHostNameValue> -RequireTLS $true -DNSRoutingEnabled $false -SmartHosts <YourDomain> -TlsAuthLevel CertificateValidation ...
New-SendConnector -Name <DescriptiveName> -AddressSpaces * -CloudServicesMailEnabled $true -Fqdn <CertificateHostNameValue> -RequireTLS $true -DNSRoutingEnabled $false -SmartHosts <YourDomain> -TlsAuthLevel CertificateValidation この例では、次のプロパティ...
电子邮件加载项服务的证书用于向Office 365组织进行身份验证的域名 将邮件标识为内部的内部 Exchange 邮件头保留在出站邮件中。 PowerShell New-InboundConnector-Name"Contoso Signature Service to Office 365"-SenderDomains*-ConnectorTypeOnPremises-RequireTls$true-Restrict...
As of October 31, 2018, Microsoft Office 365 will no longer support TLS 1.0 and 1.1. By October 31, 2018, all client-server and browser-server combinations should use TLS version 1.2 (or a later version) to ensure connection without issues to Office 365 services.This may require updates to...
HCW creates a new On Premise Receive Connector 'Inbound from Office 365' on each of the Hybrid HT servers and below is the full output from the receive connector created by the HCW:- AuthMechanism : Tls, Integrated, BasicAuth, BasicAuthRequireTLS ...
是由于本地的默认接收连接器DefaultFrontend IXM-EX01中,RequireTLS选项的值为False,也就是不是强制走TLS的。 当云端的出站连接器中勾选TLS选项后,发送测试邮件实际上尝试TLS加密连接是失败的,但是不返回失败结果,由于不是强制走TLS的,所以,它会尝试不走TLS加密,使得邮件成功发送。
As of October 31, 2018, Microsoft Office 365 will no longer support TLS 1.0 and 1.1. By October 31, 2018, all client-server and browser-server combinations should use TLS version 1.2 (or a later version) to ensure connection without issues to Office 365 services.This may require updates to...
As of October 31, 2018, Microsoft Office 365 will no longer support TLS 1.0 and 1.1. By October 31, 2018, all client-server and browser-server combinations should use TLS version 1.2 (or a later version) to ensure connection without issues to Office 365 services.This may require updates to...
new-sendconnector -name “Exchange Server to Office365” -addressspaces * -cloudservicesmailenable $true -fqdn -requiretls $true -smarhosts -tlsauthlevel certificatevalidation --- 整个过程就分享完了。 总结一下: 1、 强烈建议Exchange...
new-sendconnector -name “Exchange Server to Office365” -addressspaces * -cloudservicesmailenable $true -fqdn -requiretls $true -smarhosts -tlsauthlevel certificatevalidation 创建成功,去管理中心看一下这货长什么样的 ...