擁有有效學校電子郵件地址的學生有資格免費使用 Office 365 教育版。探索 Microsoft Word、Excel 和 PowerPoint 等強大的工具,有利於學習和發現新知。
拥有有效学校电子邮件地址的学生可以免费获取 Microsoft Office 365 教育版。探索 Microsoft Word、Excel 和 PowerPoint 等强大的工具,用于学习和发现。
Access to Microsoft Office 365 Education is free for students with a valid school email address. Explore powerful tools like Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint for learning and discovery.
Access to Microsoft Office 365 Education is free for students with a valid school email address. Explore powerful tools like Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint for learning and discovery.
Access to Microsoft Office 365 Education is free for students with a valid school email address. Explore powerful tools like Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint for learning and discovery.
从今天起,在美国的大学生都可以免费获得微软提供的 3 个月 Office 365 University 大学版订阅以及 20GB 的 SkyDrive 扩容存储。微软此举希望通过免费策略来鼓励更多学生能够加入到 Office 365 和 SkyDrive 的使用中来,从而继续赢取高校市场中的生产力份额。
为此,微软还建立了 Office for Students 网站来推广此次全美大学生赠送活动。拥有 .edu 邮箱的同学可以前往这里进行激活码的领取,如果你在输入邮箱之后,将此网站分享到 Facebook,则可获得额外的 3 个月 Office 365 大学版订阅(20GB SkyDrive 扩容空间也已包括于此),最终可获得 6 个月的免费 Office 365 大学版订...
Microsoft takes Office 365 University to studentsThe article reports on the announcement of technology company Microsoft regarding the availability Office 365 University, which is designed for students studying ...
While Microsoft currently offers Office 365 University with a 4-year subscription for only $79.99, students enrolled at qualifying schools can get Office 365 Education for nothing at all, absolutely free. So it’s definitely worth checking for eligibility if you’re in the US. Microsoft has also...
Use your college or university email address to verify your student status and sign up to save over 50% on the regular price of Microsoft 365 Personal. You will continue to be charged the applicable monthly subscription fee unless you cancel in your Microsoft account. A credit card is r...