可在Office 365 中控制 SharePoint 网站集的外部共享设置,允许外部用户(不具备 Office 365 订阅中的组织帐户的用户)访问你的网站集。 适用于:SharePoint 的外接程序 | SharePoint Online | Office 365 Core.ExternalSharing代码示例演示了如何控制 SharePoint 网站集的外部共享设置。 使用此解决方案可以: ...
3). 执行命令对站点开启外部共享: Set-SPOSite -Identityhttps://studytest.sharepoint.cn/sites(此处为要设置的站点URL) -SharingCapability ExternalUserAndGuestSharing 4,输入上面的命令设置好之后,就可以将网站与外部人员共享了。 下面我们进行测试:点击网站右上角的【共享】按钮,在弹出的地址框里输入一个外部邮...
Office365Tenant.BccExternalSharingInvitationsList 属性 项目 2016/05/05 本文内容 语法 另请参阅 命名空间: Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.TenantManagement 程序集: Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.Client.Tenant.Silverlight(位于 Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.Client.Tenant.Silverlight.dll 中); Microsoft.Online.Share...
Dear all friends, and experts., My customer they want to share a meeting room to their partner.What I did as below: 1.I created a meeting room and...
Sharing to an external Office 365 Group When I create a group, it automatically creates a site, the question is that a subsite or a site collection, does that site has a quota? Or it has the new 25TB size limit? How can I see the quota... ...
Configuring Copilot settings in the Microsoft 365 Admin Center. Providing guidance on data governance with reporting, SharePoint Advanced Management, and Microsoft Purview. Moving Microsoft 365 Apps to a supported update channel. Adoption and business value, including: ...
OneDrive provides a central location where users can sync their Microsoft 365 Apps files, configure external sharing, migrate user data, and configure advanced security and device access settings. The OneDrive setup guide can be deployed using a OneDrive subscription or a standalone OneDrive plan. ...
External sharing API with CSOM – Introduction –Vesa Juvonen~15 min If you have any questions, comments or feedback, please participate in our discussions in theOffice 365 Patterns and Practices Yammer groupathttp://aka.ms/OfficeDevPnPYammer. We already have more than 3200 members in this gro...
当您运行 OrganizationRelationship |FL cmdlet 在连接到 Exchange Online 的远程 PowerShell 窗口中,必须正确设置 TargetSharingEpr 参数的值。 如果此值为空白、null 或不正确,则云邮箱无法查看有关本地邮箱的忙/闲信息。 若要设置值,请运行以下命令: Get-OrganizationRelationship |Set-OrganizationRelationship -Target...
在此方案中,OU = EXTERNAL (FYDIBOHF25SPDLT)公用文件夹层次结构中缺少公用文件夹,必须添加该文件夹。 若要添加 OU = 外部(FYDIBOHF25SPDLT)公用文件夹,请按照下列步骤操作: 从公用文件夹服务器连接到本地 Exchange 2010 公用文件夹服务器。 ...