office365中邮箱archive功能 office365邮箱是什么 一、共享邮箱 Office 365共享邮箱对于客户通过电子邮箱提出的问题,共享邮箱是一个很好的处理方式,组织中的多人可以分担监控邮箱和回复的责任,使得客户的问题更快地得到答复,而相关电子邮件都存储在一个邮箱中。 1.1如何创建共享邮箱 1.使用管理员账号登陆Office 365. 2....
第一步;Outlook左上方的 File -> Info ->然後按Tools (順帶一提,右邊的藍色Bar是顯示你現有郵箱用量。如果你是用Office 365的話,一般起置容量是50GB。) 第二步;選擇Set Archive File 第三步;選擇Archive的郵箱 完成三步後,所有放在Archive的郵件都會以封存的方式放在雲上面,無需要再擔心遺失或錯誤刪掉的問題。
简化Office 365迁移和管理需求。无论您采用Office 365还是混合解决方案,皆可借助我们适用于Office 365的解决方案保持控制。
Archive Office 365 in PST file: Step 1: Run The Microsoft Office 365 Email Archiving tool. Step 2: Select Office 365 from the dropdown of the welcome screen. Step 3: Enter the login details and Sign In. Step 4: Check the displayed Office 365 mailbox folder. ...
Archive Shuttle Scalable, secure and automated solution for ZeroIMPACT email archive migrations. Request Pricing Migrator for Notes to Exchange Ensure a ZeroIMPACT migration from Lotus Notes to Office 365 and Exchange. Download Free Trial Coexistence Manager for Notes Ensure the accuracy of email, ...
當您將信箱移轉至或移出 Microsoft 365 並使用封存信箱時,您遇到Microsoft Exchange Online 中Microsoft Exchange 信箱復寫服務 (MRS) 戳記移轉信箱之 ArchiveDomain 屬性在移轉結束時的目標網域值的問題。注意 問題不應該發生在沒有封存信箱的帳戶上。有五個與封存信箱相關的案例。 每個案例都需要不同的解決方案。
Hello, When we apply online archive for 1 year period like below pic, are this mean all emails in the inbox will kept for last 1 year and move all emails more than 1 year to archive? How if i want to archive email before 2024, are this is possible? My…
The Exchange Team has just blogged about the capability of having your primary Exchange 2010 mailbox on-premises but with your personal archive in the cloud. It’s neat. I’ll expand on this topic a little more as and when Office 365 functionality becomes more publically available.Take...