电子邮件、电话或 Skype 没有帐户?创建一个! 无法访问您的帐户? 登录选项
Please contact your tenant admin to allowlist the fields or try specifying Select fields parameter explicitly. Make sure that Everyone except external users has permissions to My Site Host for both “My setting” and “Permission” sections in SharePoint Admin center in order to query the fields...
Microsoft 365 應用程式現在支援 OpenDocument Format 1.4:Word、Excel 和 PowerPoint 中的 ODF 檔案現在預設會儲存為 ODF 1.4 格式。 請參閱 部落格文章中的詳細數據。解決的問題Excel我們已修正 Excel 中用戶無法設定預設字型的問題。 我們已修正與卷動或縮放圖表相關的轉譯問題。 我們已修正在計算具有下拉式清單的...
在Microsoft 365 系統管理中心 中https://admin.microsoft.com,視需要展開 [全部顯示],然後移至 [設定整合式>應用程式]。 或者,若要直接移至 整合式應用程式 頁面,請使用 https://admin.microsoft.com/Adminportal/Home#/Settings/IntegratedApps。 在[ 整合式應用程式] 頁面上,選取 [ ...
For more information, see Admin options for user reported messages. In U.S. Government organizations (Microsoft 365 GCC, GCC High, and DoD), the only available value for Send the reported messages to is My reporting mailbox only. The other two options are unavailable for compliance reasons (...
Admins can use the sample submission portal athttps://www.microsoft.com/wdsi/filesubmissionto submit other suspected files to Microsoft for analysis. For more information, seeSubmit files for analysis. Tip In U.S. Government organizations (Microsoft 365 GCC, GCC High, ...
Office 365 Plan 2 (for example, you have standalone EOP, Microsoft 365 E3, Microsoft 365 Business Premium, or a Defender for Office 365 Plan 1 add-on subscription), you can start the Defender for Office 365 Plan 2 experience from the following locations in the Microsoft Defender portal: ...
Microsoft 365 Solutions and architecture Apps and services Training Resources Free Account Search Release information Security updates Microsoft 365 Apps for Windows Office for Mac Office for Windows (perpetual versions) Teams Teams Admin Release Notes Government Cloud Release Notes Teams app versi...
在美国政府组织中, (Microsoft 365 GCC、GCC High 和 DoD) ,报告的消息不会发送到Microsoft进行分析。 它们仅发送到出于合规性原因确定的报告邮箱, (数据不允许离开组织边界) 。 有关详细信息,请参阅用户报告设置。 在的Microsoft 365 管理中心https://portal.office365.us/adminportal/home#/Setting...
6 The following plans do not support license seat changes from the Microsoft 365 admin center: Office 365 Government G1, Office 365 Government G3, Office 365 Government F3. 7 Not yet available in GCC High, but coming soon. 8 For Office ...