有人在安装office时遇到错误代码30182-44(2): 这种一般是与计算机上已经安装的office 365产生冲突了, 或者计算机上留有以前版本的office残余. 这时候需要下载微软官方提供的office卸载支持工具: 下载链接: https:/…
亲爱的朋友您好[开心][开心]解决方法就是利用官方部署工具进行安装,绕过版本冲突问题操作方法如下:下载安装Office 部署工具(Office Deployment Tool)解压至任意文件夹在这里插入图片描述新建一个“configuration.xml”配置文件,配置文件的配置方法参考(配置文件官方说明希望我的回答对你有所帮助希望可以帮到...
“A Problem has occurred that needs your attention: Error Code Generated: SR98E4SH-S” “Something went wrong. Sorry, we ran into a problem. Please try again after restarting your computer. Go online for additional help. Error Code: 30182-44” How to Troubleshoot and Fix Microsoft Office ...
在大家进行Office安装可能会出现安装错误的情况,下面呢,就给大家介绍几种office在安装时出错的原因与解决办法,希望对大家有所帮助。 状况一:office安装时出错,提示为“MicrosoftOfficeProfessionalPlus2007在安装过程中出错。WindowsInstaller服务不能更新一个或多个受保护的windows文件。” ...
Error code 0-1011, 30088-1015, or 30183-1011 or 30182-1015 when installing Office program occurs due to the network failure. The Ip should .. Read More Installation Error code 30015-1025 (216) Getting the Error code 30015-1025 (216) when installing office, our assured team provides the ...
http://microsoftchatsupport.com/answers/office-error-code-30182-1015-2/ Trysfc /scannow -Jeff Friday, November 20, 2015 9:49 AM Like I said. The computer is freashly installed... But I appreciate your contribution in the thread :) ...
As you can see, if there is nothing in the C:\temp\Office365_updates folder, I will get the error code: 30182-27 as well:I tried to download an Office 365 installation package of version 1902 Build 11328.20480 into my E:\Temp folder by modifying your configuration.xml:...
To fix error code 30182-44 (2) while installing Microsoft Office on Windows, completely uninstall any previous version of Office and remove all remnants. To do so, you can use the below steps: First, close all the running instances of Office using Task Manager. ...
And i get error code: 30182-27. In other hand, i have modify the run time, with Administrator right, the Windows 10's Scheduler tasks, of "Office Automatic Updates" task, to check if it run well. It run successfully at the time i planned, but my Office365 installation doesn't update...