office 2013激活信息查看(现在大家一般是安装在D盘,以D盘 Program File 目录为例)win+R组合键打开运行,输入 cmd,回车,在打开的命令提示符窗口输入:cd /d D:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15回车确认后,继续输入:cscript ospp.vbs /dstatus 回车,就能查看到激活信息。(命令的前面部分...
1. 以管理员身份运行“Ohook_Activation.cmd”2. 屏蔽微软服务器检测 2.1 自动方式 -> 以管理员... Just instead(把教学中的哥大服务器改为鬼佬的.便行)/ 使用方法: Code:/ 注意设定时间同步Remember sync the time. I recommend you: NetTime 3.14 程序: 打开CMD (Admin)假设是安裝Of...
Step 4: Activation by CMD Once the text file has been saved, the following is to place it on the desktop (which is called 1click.cmd ) and click with the right mouse and choose to run as administrator. Then, a window will open to run the Office 2013 activation code or key. And vo...
1.右键【开始】菜单 找到【Windows PowerShell管理员(A)】2.在弹出界面输入代码,注意别输错了:irm...
# 管理员方式运行cmd,进入Office目录,找到OSPP.VBS文件 cd"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16" # 设置自建kms服务的地址或者域名,网络中搜到的也一样 cscript ospp.vbs/sethst:Your IP or Domain # 安装从上述链接中得到的对应的Office或者Visio或者Project的key ...
以管理员身份打开“命令提示符”窗口。 为此,请选择“开始”,在搜索框中键入,右键单击列表中的cmd.exe,然后选择“以管理员身份运行”。cmd.exe 键入以下命令,然后按 Enter: PowerShell netsh winhttp set proxy < Address of proxy server > 步骤3:检查你是否在防火墙后面 ...
cmd /c start /b "" "%_ServerPath%" -P %_KMSPort% -0 %_Office2010EPID% -3 %_Office2013EPID% -6 %_Office2016EPID% -w %_WindowsEPID% -G %_WindowsGEPID% -H %_HardwareID% -R %_KMSRenewalInterval% -A %_KMSActivationInterval% -T0 -e %_Nul_1_2% ...
10/11/2013 4:59:59 PM LICENSE STATUS: ---NOTIFICATIONS--- ERROR CODE: 0xC004F005 ERROR DESCRIPTION: The Software Licensing Service reported that the product key does not match the product key for the license. Last 5 characters of installed product key: RMYP4 --- ---Exiting--- C:\Pr...
Check-Activation-Status.cmd 检查激活状态脚本;Create-Silent-Task 是标准创建静默激活任务脚本;Create-...