运行Office toolkit后,它将自动检测电脑中安装的Office软件版本。点击激活按钮:在界面的“Main”主菜单选项中,点击下面的“EZActivator”按钮。等待激活完成:程序将自动检测安装的Office所有版本并实现自行激活。当运行最后提示“Office was succesfully activated”时,表示已经成功激活。注意:使用激活工具可能...
6 这时会进行激活,保持网络连接良好,激活后会弹出一个界面,显示thank you,your copy of microsoft office 2013 preview plus product is activated。这时激活完毕!7 激活完毕后重新打开office,打开file—office account会显示如下图!
6、然后在界面的“Main”主菜单选项,点击下面的“EZ-Activator”按钮;7、最后就会自动检测安装的Office所有版本并实现自行激活(激活需要程序自动运行1分钟左右),运行最后提示“Office was succesfully activated”则表示已经激活,该软件只要运行即可一次激活,不会出现不能激活状况。关于Office2013专业版怎么...
At this stage, you have successfully activated Office 2013 using KMS Pico. This method can be said to be the easiest when compared to other methods because you don’t need to do many steps. 3. Activate Office 2013 Using KMS Office 2019 The third way you can do to activate Office 2013 ...
6、这时会进行激活,保持网络连接良好,激活后会弹出一个界面,显示 thank you,your copy of microsoft office 2013 preview plus product is activated。这时激活完毕!7.激活完毕后重新打开 office,打开 fileoffice account 会显示如下图!人人文库> 全部分类> 应用文书 > 事务文书 ...
2、打开“KMSAuto Net.exe”,切换到“system”选项卡,然后如图点击“install KMS-host service”(安装KMS-host 服务)。3、切换到“main”选项卡,然后点击“Activation(激活)”。4、点击“Activate office(激活office)”。5、当进度显示对话框里显示“product successfully activated”表示激活成功。
to activities the software over the internet,点击下一步(next)。这时会进行激活,保持网络连接良好,激活后会弹出一个界面,显示thank you,your copy of microsoft office 2013 preview plus product is activated。这时激活完毕!激活完毕后重新打开office,打开file—office account会显示如下图!
Step 2:ClickEnter a product key insteadoption, enter the 25 character product key and then clickInstallbutton to activate your copy of Office 2013. Step 3:Click File menu and then click Account to see Product Activated message on the right-hand side....
You can see if your Microsoft Office is activated under Product Information. Disadvantages of Not Activating Microsoft Office You can use Microsoft Office for free and do not activate it, but it has some limitations. You will have a product notice all the time at the top of the app. It ...