首先建议拿到offer的准留学生,至少要留足一个月的时间来办理反签VAL (Visa Approval Letter)!因为一般顺利的情况是两周内就会拿到VAL;但如果你的材料存在一些问题,需要补交材料,那就会特别耽误时间,所以大家还是提前着手,在开学之前拿到VAL. 以下是具体申请VAL的流程:1. 登陆EMGS官网 链接点击Visa Education Malaysia...
No wonder any letter takes you longer than 20 minutes to write. I know what it's like to always run out of time in the Reading test, because the passages are hard to understand and the questions are confusing. It's upsetting when you can't read any faster and always lose time, or ...