In international trade, the acceptance is indispensable for the conclusion of a business and the signing of a contrace. (2)The condition ) An effective acceptance must be have the following conditions: Acceptance shall be based upon the buyer’s complete acceptance of the firm offer, or the ...
beonthehighside 与其他供应商相比,你们的价格偏高。外贸函电 Comparedwithothersuppliers,yourpriceisratheronthehighside.在我们国家棉花的价格偏高,所以我们不得不从其他的国家购买。Thepriceforcottonisratheronthehighsideinourcountry,sowehavetopurchasefromothercountries.Page 8 beoutoflinewith 外贸函电 ...
Acounter-offerusuallycoversthefollowingpoints:1.Thankthesellerforhisofferorquotation2.Expressregretatinabilitytoacceptthesellers’offerorquotation.3.Makeabidorcounter-offerif,inthecircumstances,itisappropriate.4.Suggestotheropportunitiestodobusinesstogether.Differencesbetweenquotationandoffer Inforeigntrade,thewords“offer...
In international trade, the transaction is of great importance. Companies should undergo the process of making inquiries, offers and counter-offers before reaching an agreement. This process is mostly completed with written business letters between two companies. Learning Objectives 1. To know the prin...
ITSO MSc International Trade, Strategy and Operations (ITSO) t1 81.7 CSE-Cyber security engineering 普通985 信息安全专业 81 两段实习 毕业后工作1年多都是专业相关 Education 末流985 均分81.1 无雅 两段教育类实习 llm 华南理工。均分81,法学专业 过法考 两段法检实习 ...
国际贸易实务双语教程温习材料 一、判断 1. When dealing in international trade (exporting and importing), a businessman has to face a variety of conditions which differ from those to which he has grown accustomed in the domestic trade. ( )2. According to the CISG, once the offerer ...
③Describingthecommoditiesyouneedin specific.(具体描述所需的商品)④Mentioningthesizeofyourorderandthe termsofpayment.(说明订购的数量和你的付款方式)⑤Bepoliteandcourteous⑥Doublecheckbeforesendingoff.(寄发前认真检 查错误)(Nospellingorclericalmistake笔误)BACK (P56)Letter3FirstEnquiry(首次询盘)Please...
aWal-Mart in China\'s development proposal 沃尔码在中国\ ‘s发展提案[translate] aIn this respect, Eurostat data offer trade figures for inward processing trade (IPT) and outward processing trade (OPT) that are directly related to the delocalization tendencies observed among developed countries. 正...
1、How to mark the price in international trade? 2、What are the factorsinfluencingPrice? 3、How to avoid foreign exchange risks? 4、什么是佣金、折扣?在国际贸易中有何作用? 5、如何衡量一单进出口业务的经济效果,有哪几项衡量指标? 练习题 6、某出口公司对外报价某商品每公吨2000美元CIF纽约,外商要求...