aWilfully obstructing the implementation of those arrangements could amount to the offence of wilfully obstructing a police officer in the due execution of his duty, contrary to s.36(b) of the Offences against the Person Ordinance, Cap. 212. 恣意阻碍那些安排的实施在他的义务的交付施行可能共计...
1. 罪,罪过;【法】犯罪;违犯,违反 (against) 2. 无礼,侮辱;冒犯,触怒 3. 【军】攻击;〈集合词〉攻击部队 4. 引起反感的事物 5. 【圣】罪源,绊脚石 na. 1. “offense”的变体 英英解释 na. 1. The variant of offense 例句 Another Guardian writer, Cath Elliott, is often assumed to be a les...
aThe Ordinance specifies the acts which contravene the Ordinance and the penalties for such offences. It is an offence under the Ordinance if a person who is required to have a permit to operate his facility operates it without such a permit. The maximum penalty, on conviction, is a fine ...
the Department of Justice, the Chinese term of the offence "Outraging public decency" is 根據律政司檢控 文件,“ Outraging public decency" 的 中文譯名是 “作出令公 眾憤慨的不雅 作為"。 [...] Executive to take punitive action against Mr LEUNG Chin-man includi...
point against deletion of the phrase “regardless of the offence caused”, the issue might be resolved by adopting Mr. Amor’s [...] 观点,反对删除短语“不论冒犯的程 度” ,但是可 以通过采纳 Amor 先生提议的措辞来解决问题,把 最后两句合并,并在“冒犯”之前插入“严...
Consequently, any person who claims that he or she has been the victim of any type of offence (unlawful deprivation of liberty, arbitrary detention, [...] 因此, 声称自己已成为任何类型的罪行(非法剥夺自由、任意拘留等) 的受害者的任何人 均有权向主管法院检举此种罪行...
Nothing in this Ordinance shall render any person who in any criminal proceedings is charged with an indictable offence or any offence of the punishable on summary conviction compellable to give evidence for or against himself, or shall render any person in any proceedings compellable to answer an...
person maybeguilty of the offenceofperjury under section 31 of the Crimes Ordinance [...] 據政府當局所述,任何人如在司法程序中作出虛假陳述,可能 會觸犯《刑事罪行條例》(第200章)第31條宣誓下作假證供罪,若被檢控, ...
Convention against Transnational OrganizedCrime,regardless of whethertheoffenceistransnational in natureorinvolves organizedcrime (a) 为了最有效地保护受害者和将虐待他们的人绳之以法,无论犯罪属于 跨国性质还是有组织犯罪,确保根据《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》及其 ...
I understand that by virtue of Section 26(1)(c) of the Housing Ordinance (Cap. 283), any person who knowingly makes any false statement to HA in furnishing the particulars shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine at Level 5 as specified in Schedule 8...