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But oh look, InkScape dop a FREE SVG editor. So why not down load that to get the job done. It doesnt move things about on your behalf. It wont ask you to sign in every 10 minutes either. It also wont ask you for lots of money every month for the privelidge. Inkscape ...
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But oh look, InkScape dop a FREE SVG editor. So why not down load that to get the job done. It doesnt move things about on your behalf. It wont ask you to sign in every 10 minutes either. It also wont ask you for lots of money every month for the privelidge...
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Fix corrupted file: See the second part of #2. Other people can accesss it as expected at the same time, just not this one user. Resave the temp files: Wouldn't this be done as part of #5? If not, feel free to correct my understanding. ...
Those Svgs have been a pain in the ass for a long time, maybe you could advice something? Copy link heshengyahuai commented Dec 17, 2020 If the child widget is SingleChildScrollView, it won't work Copy link yasinarik commented Dec 17, 2020 I am using interactive view widget and it...