The balmy night air filled with the sound of crickets and cockatoos, carried by the smells of dune grass and Norfolk pines. The full moon came up and, searching for the Southern Cross, I noticed that the Orion constellation was upside down – a reminder of how far away from home I was...
Using anAKAI MPD32 Controller, Maskeliade connects his Leap Motion Controller withAbletonto reach into musical streams and control the flow. “Using theGeco MIDI plugin,” he says, “I can easily choose the exact parameter the Leap Motion will change or trigger.” In the video at the top o...
The author comments on the move by Network Rail (NR) to blame contractors over problems with the West Coast Main Line (WCML) project in England. Articles in "The Times" and "The Telegraph" have named contractors who had little or nothing to do with the maintenance over the Christmas 2007...
8. Finally, if you are still with me on this, Garnett goes completely off the rails and doesn’t answer MacDonald’s question about whether the Tesla Semi will have lower operating costs than a diesel truck. Garnett, starting at the 3:10 point in the interview, comes unhinged saying that...
Even as the new administration rails against U.S. allies on issues such as defense spending and trade, it is likely to seek tighter partnerships abroad, particularly in the Indo-Pacific, to better compete with Beijing.” “Trump will usher in departures, sometimes dramatic ones, in American ...
The stack we’ll use today includes the following components, besides AnyCable and Twilio: Vosk server: it provides offline speech recognition capabilities. Hanami: a Ruby web framework. Why should everyone just use Rails? Hey, AnyCable speaking! Needing help with a Twilio-OpenAI connection?
testfixtures - A helper for Rails' like test fixtures to test database applications. Testify - Sacred extension to the standard go testing package. wstest - Websocket client for unit-testing a websocket http.Handler. Mock counterfeiter - Tool for generating self-contained mock objects. go-sqlmo...
做其他的事情原文名When an Editor Tells You To Follow the Mandated Shonen Action Ending Formula, Go Off the Rails and Do Something Else Instead 授权 作者:StarryDustandFluffyStuff 某3后缀:34365631 译者语:某3上非常非常非常可爱的一篇银桂文,啃了几遍忍不住用非常辣鸡的英文水平翻译了,现在国内银桂圈...
The cadaver on the slab has a zipper-like slash across the throat, but it's Alexander who looks like death. She's been fighting a cold and losing. "Man! Can someone get Sasha a Kleenex?" Harmon says to hoots and giggles after Alexander derails another take with a sneeze. The dead ...
(Punks Not Dead) bring us a timely and cautionary tale of what technology can do to our minds if we let it. It’s the story of Leo Joof, a failed actor whose behaviour is dragged off the rails by ‘Jerry’ – a malfunctioning AI presence in a pair of augment...