Kids Definition off-grid adjective ˈȯf-ˈgrid variants or off-the-grid ˈȯf-ṯẖə-ˈgrid : not connected to or served by publicly or privately managed utilities (as electricity, gas, or water) Last Updated: 21 Mar 2025 - Updated example sentences ...
Define Off the Grid (Stargate SG-1). Off the Grid (Stargate SG-1) synonyms, Off the Grid (Stargate SG-1) pronunciation, Off the Grid (Stargate SG-1) translation, English dictionary definition of Off the Grid (Stargate SG-1). adv. Without being connected
Define off the grid. off the grid synonyms, off the grid pronunciation, off the grid translation, English dictionary definition of off the grid. adv. Without being connected to utility systems, such as those providing electricity and piped water: "a five
The meaning of OFF-GRID is not connected to or served by publicly or privately managed utilities (such as electricity, gas, or water). How to use off-grid in a sentence.
Off the grid is any IT environment or facility that is not dependent on public power companies for energy /electricity needs. Advertisements It is a facility that has on-premise infrastructure / equipment to generate and distribute electrical power and energy. Techopedia Explains Off the Grid An...
Although clinics argue that their products fall under this definition, the new guidances clarify many stem cell clinic procedures that involve more manipulation and therefore require oversight. Another 316 exception is 'homologous use': if a stem cell product's clinical use is congruent with the ...
Why is off the grid illegal? In its most simplistic definition, “off grid” living means being disconnected from the public power grid. Off grid living, by itself,is not technically illegal. Producing your own power is off grid living and perfectly legal. ... That's when it becomes illeg...
In the Time of the Manaroansis a coming-of-age memoir written at several decades reach about growing up in an off-grid intentional community in the Pelorus Sound, the north-eastern corner of the South Island of Aotearoa. It is also about becoming a woman and an artist in this context. ...
Off-grid definition: not connected to or using one or more public utilities, as for electricity or water. See examples of OFF-GRID used in a sentence.
Define off-grid. off-grid synonyms, off-grid pronunciation, off-grid translation, English dictionary definition of off-grid. adj not involving or requiring the use of mainstream sources of energy Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12t