年假- annual leave 事假(无薪假) - unpaid leave 病假- sick leave 丧假- mourning Leave 婚假- marriage leave 产检假 - prenatal check-up 产假- maternity leave 陪产假 - paternity leave # 必叔又来派福利啦 # 现在学英语还有大礼包赠送! 点击【阅读原文】,数量有限赶快领取豪礼吧~...
Mark is not in the office today. He broke his leg yesterday, so he's on/he's taken sick leave. 马克今天没来上班。他昨天摔断了腿,因此休病假了。 Your job will be kept open for your return after maternity leave 你的工作会一...
There verse is also true in that lactating nurses who practice NON-EBF were found to take more time off to care for their sick babies after they return to work from maternity leave. The focus of the study was to show that ... O Queenter,AAN Amadi,SB Otieno - Science Publishing Group...
More than 100 former workers have organized a group they call "Laid off on Leave." They're asking executives to pay them for the weeks and months they were approved to take off before the job cuts were announced in January. Those who spoke with CNBC said they've been told they'll...
For example, you may require employees to give you ample notification before using vacation days. Psst … The FLSA doesn’t require paid vacation time off. So, what exactly does the FLSA do? Download our free cheat sheet to find out. Get My Free Guide! 2. Sick leave Paid sick leave ...
includes all paid days which can be taken off work throughout the year. Meaning that PTO can be a vacation, but vacation can never be PTO. Some examples of PTO going beyond the term ‘vacation’ include medical leave, sick days off, jury duty, maternity leave, community leave, and ...
leave的中文意思是离开,顾名思义,就是请假离开的意思。 休假、请假相关英文单字: sick leave 病假 annual leave 年假、特休 menstrual leave 生理假 call in sick 打电话请病假 fake your sick 假装生病 personal leave 事假 official leave 公假 marriage leave 婚假 funeral/bereavement leave 丧假 maternity leave ...
administrative leave-comp time-compassionate leave-gardening leave-holiday-leave of absence-maternity leave-on leave-paid vacation-parental leave-paternity leave-PTO-sick leave-stoppage-toil 中文: 假期 在单词列表中:phrasal verbs, idioms & expressions,更多…… ...
Sick leave:Used when an employee is ill or needs to attend medical appointments. Personal days:Used for personal matters, errands, or mental health days. Bereavement leave:Used for attending funerals or mourning the loss of a loved one. ...
wouldneverdothat,butsomepeopledothat.So,callinginsickmeansthatyou arecallinginandsaying,Icantworktoday.Imtooill,Imtoosick.Thereisa footballgameon.No,Imtoosick.Well,IsayherethatIhavealotof accumulatedsickleave.Wevetalkedaboutvacationleave,maternityleave, paternityleave,leaveofabsence.Anotherkindofleaveissickleav...