算法流程如下,on-policy first-visit MC control algorithm for ε-soft policies Off-policy Predict Q:为什么在Exploring Starts & ε-greedy 之外还有这个? A:用走迷宫问题举例,目标是尽量探索每个方案是吧,要么Exploring Starts,要么带ε的随机。探索在一开始是好事到后来会影响policy发挥。policy在后期不需要那个...
上边讲的都是on-policy control,那么对应的也会有off-policy control,也就是我们标题所反应的。我个人理解,on-policy就是采用我们自己的策略进行采样评估学习,MC,TD都是这范畴里边的,就是下一步的action就是基于当前待评估的策略选出来的,而off-policy就是在我们自己策略的基础上对别人的策略进行采样评估学习,再具...
This paper introduces an approach to off-policy Monte Carlo (MC) learning guided by behaviour patterns gleaned from approximation spaces and rough set theory introduced by Zdzisaw Pawlak in 1981. During reinforcement learning, an agent makes action selections in an effort to maximize a reward signal...
第一部分针对off-policy learning 中不断变化的update target,针对tabular case提供了一些方法(off-policy TD 等),但存在很大的方差,这也是off-policy learning 的一大挑战。第二部分是本章关注的重点,主要发生在将函数逼近用于 off-policy learning时。我们发现一旦集齐 function approximation,off-policy learning 和b...
To avoid unintended effects on quality of care that may result from reductions in resource utilization, it is essential for decision and policy makers to know whether there is a trade-off between costs and quality of care.Aim of the StudyThe aim of this study was to investigate and quantify...
On the other hand, it is important to introduce more effective policy measures for faster adoption of improved wheat technologies to close the gap between potential and current yield levels. 展开 关键词: Domestic resource cost Irrigation agriculture Food self-sufficiency ...
Evaluation of policy synergy in coastal ocean pollution prevention and control: The case from China. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2023, 10: 1131590. DOI:10.3389/fmars.2023.1131590 90. Wu, Z., Man, Q., Niu, H. et al. Recent advances and trends of trichloroethylene biodegradation: A ...
With the usage of Response Amplitude Operators (RAO), a switching control strategy have been proposed to transient between opening/closing OWCs’ valves. The controlled OWC-based FOWT has been compared to the traditional barge platform to show the performance of the controlled hybrid system. The ...
a PV-battery hybrid system with DC-side coupling is considered, and a power balancing control (PBC) is proposed to transfer the power to grid/load and the battery. In this system, a solar power conditioning system (PCS) acts as an interface across PV source, battery and the load/central...