we are closer than at any time in history to attaining the goal of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and we have greater confidence in and capability for achieving this goal than ever before.“The last one tenth of the journey demands...
First, the impact of AI on natural science. In many subjects which need computers, AI has an important position, conversely, AI is helpful to the formation of our own intelligence.Second, the impact of AI on economy. AI into various fields...
Easy. We’re not talking about a superhero here -- SM is a 44-year-old mother. And she’s fearless because she happens to be missing part of her brain: the amygdala(扁桃腺). Shaped like a pair of almonds sitting in the middle of your brain, the amygdala helps control fear and ...
It was first discovered that Curie temperatures of the hydrides of Sm 2(Fe,Ga) 17 compounds measured from the heating process are higher than that measured from the cooling process. The difference was denoted as Δ T c*. The correlation between Δ T c* and the structural stability of...
Growth of Mixed Rare Earth Tartrate Crystals (Y_(1-x)Sm_x)_2(C_4H_4O_6)_3·zH_2O from Silica Gels Experiments performed on the growth of mixed crystals of rare earth tartrates (Y_(1-x)Sm_x)_2 (C_4H_4O_6)_3·zH_2O (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) from silica gels at 35~40℃ and...
马来亚大学(University of Malaya,简称 UM)是马来西亚首屈一指的公立研究型综合大学(Public Research University),坐落于首都吉隆坡(Kuala Lumpur),是全马历史最悠久的高等教育学府,尤以文理学科和医学著称,有许多学科领域享有世界级的声誉。作为马来西亚规模最大和...
接着看搭配 “plenty of”,意思是 “足够多的,大量的”。它也可以修饰可数名词和不可数名词。修饰可数名词时,名词要变复数。听两个例句。 Examples Don’t worry, we’re not going to be late. We have plenty of time. (别担...
Synthesis and Electrical Conductivities of Sm_2O_3-CeO_2 Systemsdoi:CNKI:SUN:YXTB.0.2005-02-007CNKIJournal of Rare Earths
One of the most familiar arguments for expressivist metaethics is the claim that the rival theory, moral realism, cannot provide a satisfying explanation of why moral properties supervene on natural properties. Non-cognitivism, however, has its own problems explaining supervenience. Expressivists try...
Synthesis and Characterization of K_2Ba(WO_4)_2:Sm~(3+) Red Phosphor for White Light LED HUO Zhe-zheWEI Teng-yueJournal of Synthetic CrystalsRen Q,Chen J N,Zhang J C,et al.Synthesis and Characterization of K2Ba(WO4)2∶Sm3+Red Phosphor for White Light LED[J].Journal of Synthetic ...