Progesterone is used in recovery of cerebral ischemia however the mechanism of action is unknown. Authors report here that micromolar progesterone activates mouse cerebrovascular myocyte BK channels, involving two steroid binding sites. 展开 关键词: BINDING sites PROGESTERONE PROGESTERONE receptors BILAYER ...
(MaxiK or BK)channels are composed of a pore-formingαsubunit and four types of auxiliaryβsubunits.It has been reported that the extrcellular N-linked glycosylation ofβaffects the pharmacological properties of BK.And it is not known whether the glycosylation has the other influences on BK ...
PURPOSE:To eliminate the need for special power for discrimination on a disk size by discriminating on the external diameter of an optical disk from the position relation of a movable detector with a reference detector. CONSTITUTION:A couple of right and left reference detectors 22 and the movable...
Quasicrystals with symmetries forbidden to ordinary crystals have now been firmly established as a new form of solid. The question has been why atoms favor such a complex, quasiperiodic pattern rather than a periodic arrangement. One of the most successful explanation was based on the atomic cluste...
2023 Elsevier B.V.The authors regret that there were errors (typos) in the reported values of the rate constant for PTX release from the PLA layer (k). On Page 247, right column, of the original paper (in Lines 55–63 from top of the page), it was stated that "k is the rate ...
falcata have good anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities, which are comparable to those of a positive drug control (indomethacin). Furthermore, these flavonoids exhibit antibacterial, antioxidant, antitumour, anti-cardiovascular disease, and haemostatic activities. However, to date, O. falcata has ...
The question of whether Jersey Central Power & Light is "overearningnor underspending" will be answered once the companynfiles a rate case ordered by regulators, Stefanie Brand, the directornof the New Jersey Office of Rate Counsel, said last week. The Boardnof Public Utilities last week made...
Analysis of the globally coherent Pc5 geomagnetic pulsation event of March 24, 1991, from a chain of stations extending from the auroral oval to the equatorial region along the American sector, has shown unequivocal evidence on the enhancement of pulsation amplitude in the narrow equatorial band ce...
To promote the development of the cultural industries completely is to demonstrate our soft powers in the international competition. As for the development of the Chinese sports cultural industry, the following should be paid attention: making sure its function, characteristics and developing laws as ...